Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Leaving Cam to sleep, I stood up and sighed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands.  My head was pounding relentlessly and I realized I was in need of a glass of water and some medicine, or simply anything to cool down the feverish migraine that wouldn’t cease to stop.

            The guys outside were still mumbling, talking about how they should’ve been quicker those five years ago so Cam wouldn’t be where he was now.  Stepping out into the hall quietly, I shut the door, each of their unique coloured eyes glancing up at me and then they stood.

            “How’s he doing?” Drew asked and I looked away, my eyes sparking with tears again.

            “He’s been better.” I admitted softly, watching the way their faces fell before I walked away, each of them taking a turn to walk into his room and speak to him even if he was asleep.

            It hadn’t occurred to me all of those years ago I would be here today, in the same hospital where I had my child removed.  I figured five years down the road I would be engaged and have a family started, yet all that seemed to happen was pain, rage, and a war.

            Taking an abrupt right, I barely missed the figure that was walking this way, and I mumbled a soft excuse me, walking around when they had stopped.  I ran my hand over my face, letting out a shaky breath that I had been holding before life had hit me on the way.  For the past five years, I have cried more than I ever had in my lifetime; the pain that hit me was a never-ending circle that would get increasingly worse.

            Stepping into the cafeteria, I ran a hand through my hair, working the knots out slowly before stepping up to the woman and giving her a smile.

            “May I have a plate of eggs, please?” I asked, watching the way she smiled and nodded before making them over.

            I allowed myself to look around in curiosity as I waited for my food to finish, the empty feeling in my stomach distracting me from everything besides the aromas of the scents that drifted in.  I flicked my eyes over to the doorway and watched Alexander come in, my eyebrows beginning to furrow in confusion when the ghostly pain of him re-breaking my ribs showed up.

            “Here you are,” the woman spoke to me and I gave her a smile as I took my plate, walking over to an empty seat by the window.  A sigh had passed my lips once I sat down and got comfortable, yet before I could start eating, Alexander was in front of me, his hand wrapping painfully around my wrist.

            “There you are.”

            Looking up at him, I narrowed my eyes slowly, jerking free. “What do you want?  I told Sam to leave me alone.”

            His lips tilted upward into a smirk and I was left giving him a glare, my rage slowly building up. “He loves you, Star.  Why can’t you see that?”

            “Why can’t you see I’m finally happy?”

            His eyes narrowed and he growled, a sound low to the humans that they wouldn’t hear yet loud enough for me to know that he was getting angry, and quickly. “He hasn’t been the same since you left for that human, Star.  What happened between you and my brother that you’re choosing a man I can easily kill over my twin who loves you unconditionally?”

            Scoffing, I rolled my eyes and placed the eggs in my mouth, chewing gingerly on them as I watched the vein in his neck pop with irritation. “You’re acting like you’re still a child, Alexander.  I’m no longer the young girl I was five years ago.  Unlike you, I know what it’s like to feel rejected; I know what it’s like to have everything you care for ripped away into shreds.  His fiancée killed my child!  And, you want me to stand and drop everything I have, drop the man I loved in the beginning, and go back to some man who was choosing his fiancée over his mate?  Why can’t you grow up, Alexander, and stop being bossed around by Sam?”

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