chapter thirty one

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daniel's pov

"Can't you see that I'm bad for you?" Ayla was almost screaming at me, her blue-green-now grayish eyes staring into mine. Then she turned around and started walking away from me. From us. I wanted to go after her so bad. But my body wouldn't let me. My knees felt weak, my feet and hands were numb. I couldn't even move, My mind kept saying, 'Don't just stand there, go after her," but my body was not getting the message. So I watched her leave.

Then I realized what was happening to me. I was experiencing true heartbreak. Not the kinda in movies, but the kind that nobody talks about. Because it's such a terrible feeling, that nobody wants to be reminded of. This feeling was real.

That day at graduation, Anna was so excited for everything to happen. Now, she was scarred. Everyone was. When Jess held the gun to Anna's head, she said she wanted her to do it, because she was already going to be scarred the rest of her life. A 16-year-old girl should never have to go through something like that. No one should. She's in therapy. Being held at gunpoint can change your aspect of life. My parents keep asking about her, they don't think she's okay. I don't either. I know she's not okay. But they keep telling me to be there for her and she'll come around, I don't think they understand how badly I'm trying. Ayla can be hard to read sometimes but, I never thought she'd dump me. I can tell that I'm her anchor. She needs me and I need her. It's how we work.

When I could finally move my body again, I slowly went back to my car. And I sat down. Staring into the darkness in front of me. Slowly taking everything in. Ayla was gone. Who knew I wouldn't be seeing her again. June 2, 2018, Carter died. Slowly, Ayla died with him. Actually she died that day. When she held him in her arms and watched him die slowly. Not actually but mentally. Her happy, sweet, free-spirited soul died. Then it all starts. Soon, she's different. To make all that even, she leaves, taking a part of me with her. All I wanted was her laugh, her hugs, her love, her voice. Her.

But I'd probably never see any of that again.

So what do you do when you've lost the person you loved more than anything including yourself?

short chapters comin' up.


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