Chapter 59 - Meet the Folks

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"We save the world," said Dean.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, praying that this would all work out without bloodshed.

"Sì, sì, I know, like that crazy TV show the girls were always watching. But you can't really be serious?, Saving the world, hah, that is, perhaps, just a bit… well, arrogant, sì?"

"Papa!!" I said, raising my voice.

"Frankie! Comportati bene," said Mom, which means behave yourself.

"What?" he said, it that tone that implies he wasn't doing anything wrong.

But Sam just smiled, and said calmly, "I understand your skepticism, Sir, since you live on a world where such things don't exist. But I assure you, these things are very real here, and Dean and I are some of the few who fight them."

Dad looked at Maggie and me, and both of us were glaring daggers at him. He shrugged and said, "So then, people pay you to go kill these evil things?" he asked.

Dean laughed sarcastically. "Pay us!" he scoffed. "Hell, they don't even thank us most of the time."

"Well, to be honest," Sam said, "most of them don't even know we saved them."

"So you don't make money doing this? You just do it on your own?"

"Pretty much," said Dean.

Dad looked at them then and asked, seriously, "Why would you do that?"

"Because someone has to," Sam answered. "Because we know what's out there, and we can't just sit back and not do something about it."

"We've known what's out there for a long time, since we were kids." Dean said. "Our mom was killed by a demon when Sam was just a baby. That turned our Dad into a hunter. Now it's kind of the family business."

Dad put his fork down slowly and stared that them. "That I can admire," he said. "But what you gonna do, Make babies with my girls, and they gonna be hunters too?"

"No!!!" All four of us shouted in unison.

"Sir," said Sam seriously. "If we are lucky enough to have children, I can assure you they will not be raised to be hunters. But neither will they be raised to be helpless. This world is dangerous. They will know how to survive in it. But they will not be pushed into the life, like we were. They will be given choices. This we can promise you."

"And if they choose to anyway?" he asked.

"Then that's their choice," answered Dean. "And in that case, we will make sure they are the best hunters out there."

Everyone was quiet, as Dad looked to the boys and to us several times. Then he picked up his fork and took a bite, nodded his head, scrunched his mouth and casually said, "Then I shall dance at your wedding."

In our Italian community, that amounted to a blessing. The boys had passed Dad's measure.

Maggie and I both said, "Grazie, Papa," at the same time.

"Mmm," Said Dad, "this meatloaf is eccellente! Must be Maggie's sì?"

"Everything they cook is excellent," said Sam. "Is there anything your daughters can't do?"

"Not anymore," Dad said, after a moment of thought. "Not anymore."

"Okay then," said Mom, "now that that's out of the way, tell me what it is you need from me."

"Yes Ma'am," said Sam politely.

"Please," said Mom, "call me Maria."

"Okay, Maria," said Sam. "We have reason to believe we are going to have to face some foes that we never have before, ones with the ability to be invisible. We need to learn, as quickly as possible, how to become aware of them."

"I see," said Mom. "I see why the girls came to me. Yes, I can help you. But I warn you. The training will be painful. Until you learn what you're doing, you're going to get hurt a lot."

"Well, we're no strangers to pain, that's for sure," said Dean, "so bring it on!"

"What kind of facilities do you have for training here?" she asked.

All four of us smiled at that. "Well, come," said Sam, "and let us show you."

We all got up and followed Sam to the workout room. Mom was impressed.

"Oh my," she said, this place is, well, unbelievable."

"You think this is unbelievable, wait till you see the park," Maggie said.

"The park?"

"Yes, come on."

We took them to the park the boys had done, and Dad said admiringly, "You boys did this all yourself?"

"With a little help from a friend, yes," said Sam.

I saw Dad nodding to himself. I was so pleased the boys were making a good impression. Take it from me, that's hard to do with our father. We went back to the workout room so mom could inspect it further, and she pronounced it quite suitable for the early stages of training.

"Okay then," Mom said. "One of you girls come get me at 8 am," and she looked at Sam and Dean and added, "and you two be ready to work hard. And it would help if you girls could also be here for demonstrations."

"Maggie can be here," I said. "I have research to do though."

"Okay then," she said. "Get a good night sleep, eat breakfast but nothing too heavy. Girls, take us on home."

Maggie led them back to the garage to take them home. As soon as the door shut, Dean fell flat on his face on one of the mats.

Sam and I had to laugh, and I said, "Dean, you did extremely well. Dad can really push people's buttons. I'm very proud of you."

Dean just kept laying there without moving or speaking.

"Dean?" said Sam.

"I'm fine," he said, his voice muffled by the mat. "Just please tell me I'll never have to go through that again."

I laughed at him. "I can't promise that," I said. "But it will never be the first time again, and I'm pretty sure you guys made a good impression. I've seen him be a lot worse. So I don't think he'll ever put you through the wringer like that again."

"Fine," said Dean. "But now it's your mom's turn to do that."

THANK YOU for reading. As usual, I would love to hear your comments.

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