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I'm picking up my things today around 3-Jayla

Key is under the mat-Kidd

"Wow he actually texted back" Jayla said sarcastically. Her and Mya were on their way to Jayla's new condo.

"What he say?"

"Key is under the mat. I guess he won't be there. Do this mean we actually breakin up? "

Mya shrugged " Text and ask him. He might answer"

So we're breaking up?- Jayla

An hour later, no response. Jayla sat on the couch and started eating her slim jim." No reply. I don't know what's going on. I don't know if I should fight for what we have or just let go"

"It seems to me like you're the only one holdin on so I would just let go. No need to fight for something when you're the only one that wants it" Mya said. "Besides, if he loved you and I mean really love you then he would have been here to see you way before. He wouldn't have let you think y'all breakin up"

Jayla nodded. "Well it's almost 3, lets go"

On the way to Kidd place, Jayla was confused. She didn't know if she should fight. She loved Kidd with everything in her and could honestly see a future with him. Kids, marriage, a house together everything.

She never found anyone like him and she has never been happier with anyone. Sure she has got hurt while being with him but she knew what she was getting herself into.

But it seems like she was the only one fighting for what they had. Kidd didn't answer any of her calls or texts. She doesn't even know if they together or not.

If Kidd loved her like he said, he would have made it work. He wouldn't have listened to her father's bullshyt. He wouldn't have left her alone, crying for him.

"Iight come on" Mya said. Jayla looked at the house. The same house that Kidd bought for her. The same house she planned on having a family in. The same house she would live in with her husband.

Jayla picked up the key under the mat and unlocked the door. Everything looked just like she remembered it.

The girls walked upstairs to the room she shared with Kidd. Jayla opened the door and saw D and La watching a movie. "Hey" Jayla said softly. Her and Mya began packing up all her things.

Once they finished, Jayla looked around the room and broke down crying. Mya quickly hugged her. "He don't love me anymore" she cried. D watched Jayla break down and left the room. But not before kissing her forehead.

La got off the bed and hugged Jayla too. The women didn't know each other but La thought that's what she needed. Jayla did need it. "It will be ok" La said softly. Mya and La found themselves crying also.

"I'll be right back" Mya said. She grabbed her keys and drove to the place where she knew Kidd was.

Pulling up to the trap, Mya was angry. Never has she seen her best friend cry so hard and she didn't like the sight. She walked inside, ignoring the eyes that followed her, straight into Kidd's office.

He looked up from his work, shocked to see an anger and sad Mya. "What you doin here Mya?" he asked.

"You snake ass nigga. I would call you a dog but when a dog Is wrong, he look down. A snake will look yiu right In your fuckin face. You looked Jayla in her face and told her you loved her. Y'all were supposed to be together but no. She is at your place cryin her eyes out about how you don't love her. Never have I seen Jay cry so hard. Not even when grandma Mary passed. You got my girl wide open and you fuckin broke her heart" Mya yelled. She was heated.

"Mya calm d-

"Nigga don't tell me to calm down. You need to fuckin fix this shit. And I mean right now nigga"

"Iight damn come on" he said. They walked out to the car and Mya drove to his house. "Did she really say I don't love her anymore? " he asked.

"Well she was crying so hard, I think that's what I heard"

Kidd felt guilty. He didn't want Jayla to cry and think he don't love her. He loved her more than anything in his life. He just didn't want to put her in danger .

Walking into the house Jayla and La could be heard from downstairs. D sitting on the couch.

"He just doesn't want to put you in danger anymore Jayla. He loves you so much and he doesn't want to lose you" La said.

"If he loved me then he wouldn't have left me. But it's whatever, I'm so over it. He don't wanna be with me then it's cool. I got it all out my system. I just can't believe I opened myself up to him only for him to spit in my fuckin face."

"Jay just ta-"

"I don't have anything to say him. And if he did have something to say to me then he would have answered my calls and texts" Jayla grabbed her last suitcase and walked downstairs.

She looked around the living room to see Mya, D and Kidd all looking at her. She rolled her eyes at Kidd and walked right passed him.

Kidd followed Jayla outside "Jay lemme talk to you real quick" she ignored him and put her suitcase in the back seat. She walked to the front seat, past Kidd. He gently grabbed her hand and looked at her face. He saw nothing but hurt and pain in her eyes. "Come inside and talk to me" he said lowly.

She shook her head." Leave me alone" she snatched her hand away and sat in the passenger seat of the car. Jayla blew the horn and Mya came outside.

"Did you fix it?" she asked Kidd.

"Naw she won't talk to me. Mya I didn't think I hurt her this bad. I was ignoring her so she could move on. Help me out"

"No you need to fix this on your own Kidd" she got in the car and drove to Jayla condo. Kidd walked inside to see La and D watching tv.

"You know where Jay stay?" he asked grabbing his keys. La nodded and wrote down the address.

Kidd drove to her place and knocked on the door. Jayla opened the door and rolled her eyes. He pushed passed her and walked in. He sat on the couch.

"Nigga what the hell you think you doing?"

"I'm not leavin till we talk this shit out" he shrugged. "Stop being so stubborn and let me explain"

Jayla sat down on the couch "Explain"

"Iight, I been ignoring you cause what your dad said is true. I'm nothing but trouble and I didn't want you getting hurt anymore than you already did. I can't lose you Jay but if I have to stay away from you just for you to be safe then that's what I'll do. While we weren't talking, I was thinkin about you all the time. Don't think it was easy on me or I was ignoring you for fun cause I was miserable as hell"

"Ky listen closely, I know what you about ok? But I don't care because I love you. You told me you need me baby. I need you too." she replied.

Kidd pulled Jayla into his lap, making her straddle him"I love you Jay. Ain't no other women for me baby. You were made for me and you're the only person I see having a happy future with." he sighed "But we can't be together"

"You just said t-"

"I know what I said Jay. But now I'm sayin we can't be together. It's too dangerous" he said.

"But I need you Ky" her voice cracking. She hugged Kidd and put her face in the crock of his neck. He hugged her back "You said you wouldn't leave me" she cried.

"I know baby." he hugged her tighter. "I just don't want to lose you baby. You're my everything ma"

"Stay with me please? We'll be happy together baby. You know that"

"Gimmie a kiss"

Jayla kissed Kidd softly and he slipped his tongue in her mouth. They made out for at least 10 minutes before they pulled away "I missed you so much" Kidd said. He pecked her lips again but Jayla needed more.

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