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"Mya the fuck is wrong with you callin me at 4 in the morning? " Kidd said, still half asleep.

"She woke up." she said before hanging up. Kidd jumped out of bed and took a quick shower. He grabbed his keys and started speeding to the hospital.

"Hey Kidd, Jayla's awake. You can go straight to her room" Lacy said. Kidd nodded and ran to her room. When he opened the door, Mya, Mike and the doctor were already there.

Jayla was sitting up eating applesauce. Her hair was wild like it usually is, her skin was glowing and her lips looked softer than ever.

Kidd rushed over to her and hugged her tight, almost making her drop her applesauce. "Babe" she laughed. "My applesauce"

He pulled away and smiled back at her. It felt good to hear her laugh and see her smile. "We'll let y'all have some time alone" Mya said. Everyone walked out, leaving Jayla and Kidd by themselves.

Kidd just kept staring at her. It's been whole week since she slipped into a coma. Kidd visted her everyday and always asked about her progress.

"What?" Jayla asked.

"I missed you" he said. He hugged Jayla again and when pulling away, he kissed her passionately. "I love you"

"I love you too Ky" she smiled against his lips. "So uh- I heard what happen to the baby" she said looking down.

"From the doctor? "

"No you. I heard everything that people were saying to me which is weird, but am I to late to be upset about losing my baby?" she asked.

Kidd shook his head "Our baby, and naw you ain't" Jayla nodded, still looking down. A few tears escaped her eyes but she wiped them. "If it's another baby you want then let me know"

She shook her head "No we're not ready yet. But if it happens then it happens"

Kidd pecked Jayla's lips then slid his tongue in her mouth. "Jayla" her father called at the door. Kidd and Jayla pulled apart, seeing her father standing there. Jayla sighed.


"You will be coming to stay with me" he said sternly.

"Oh hell naw" she said shaking her head. Here he goes thinking he controls her life.

"Watch your mouth when you talking to me and yes you will. You almost died living with this thug. You're coming to live with me and that's final"

"With all due respect sir, I-"

"Shut up. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. You almost got my daughter killed. You're not good for her. Nothing but trouble. Look, she just waking up from a coma. If you were a good boyfriend, you would have protected her from any harm or danger but all you do is put her in danger" Mike yelled, interrupting Kidd. Kidd sighed. Jayla grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I'm not living with you. So u can just get that thought out of your head. I'm staying with Kidd" she said calmly. Kidd released Jayla's hand.

"Naw Jay, he right. I'm not good for you and nothin but trouble" Jayla looked up at him, her father smirking.

"No baby you're not I-"

"It's cool. I gotta go" Kidd walked out the room, hearing Jayla cry out for him. When she realized he wasn't coming back, she stared her father down.

"You don't know anything about him. You shouldn't have said those things to him"

"Everything I said was true" her father shrugged. Jayla felt the anger rise in her.

She picked up a glass vase that was by her bed and threw it at her father. He ducked, making it shatter against the wall.

"No it wasn't. All he wanted was to make me happy. I was happy with him and you fucked it up" she yelled. After she calmed down, she sighed. "Get out"

"I'll be back to pick you up in a few days"

"No, I'm not living with you. You think you know what's best for me but you don't. You don't control my life Mike and I was better off without you." she confessed. Her father nodded and left, without looking back.

2 weeks later

"Jay you ready?" Mya asked. Jayla nodded and grabbed her things. She was hoping Kidd would pick her up but since the argument with her father, he hasn't returned. He won't answer her calls or texts. Nothing.

Mya rubbed Jayla's back as they walked out thr hospital "He'll come back Jay. Just give him time"

"No you don't get it. Kidd already thought he wasn't good enough for me and when my father confirmed it, he shut down. I know it"

"He loves you right?" Mya asked, coming up to her car.


"Then he'll be back" Mya said.

"I love him so much Mya, but he's been ignoring me for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't came back to see me, nothing." Jayla sighed. "I give up"

Kidd sat down in the living room and passed the blunt to D. "So where lil dawg at?"

"I don't know" Kidd answered, sinking deeper into the couch.

"What you mean you don't know? Y'all always connected by the hip" D said passing Kidd the blunt.

"The day she woke up from her coma I went to see her. Happy as fuck to see my baby you know? Well her father was there and Jayla told me how he thinks he control her life. Anyway, he started tellin me I'm not good for her, nothing but trouble, her being in a coma is my fault. I already felt bad for being the cause of her being in a coma. When her dad said that shit to me, man I just shut down and left. I heard her callin and cryin for me but I didn't stop. I ain't seen her since then"

"And how long ago was that?" D asked.

Kidd sighed "2 weeks man"

"Iight listen. You my boss but it seem like you need a real nigga to real nigga moment. Stop blamin yourself. Everyone in this situation had a part in Jayla bein put into a coma. You can blame me, saying I should have shot those niggas quicker. You can blame you, not being there to help. Hell, you can even blame Jayla for not runnin fast enough. Everyone had a part in that. Not just you my nigga."

Kidd nodded.

"And another thing, Jayla knew what you was about when you kidnapped her. She knew you were dangerous and that trouble followed you. But she didn't care cause she loved you past all that shit. She was lookin at you as a person, not at what you do to get money. You found yourself a good girl. The one for you nigga but you pushing her away. You left her sittin up in that hospital bed alone and cryin cause you listened to what her dad was sayin. Nigga you ain't with her dad, you with her"

Again, Kidd nodded.

"Has she called or texted you since the day you left?" D asked.

"Yeap, everyday since then but not for the past 3 days"

D sighed " Kidd she gave up on you. She must have thought y'all was broken up or some shit"

"D she don't need me. I'll just keep ignoring her until she move on and forget about me" Kidd said. D shook his head.

"Bad idea nigga. A girl like Jayla, you can't forget about. If you love her like you say you do, you'll go get her back but don't wait until her love for you is replaced by hate cause then you'll never get her back"

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