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"We'll take it" Kidd said. Him and Jayla just finished looking around and they loved it.

The realtor nodded and had Kidd sign a few things. He payed for the house then the couple were on their way to pick out new furniture.

"I'm so happy we getting a new place baby" Jayla said clapping and bouncing in her seat.

Kidd chuckled "Baby chill but I'm happy too. I never bought a house with a female before, so this should he interesting."

"Guess what"

"What?" Kidd asked.

"We've been together for 11 months. On the 22nd, it'll be a year"

"And you figured that out how?" he asked.

"I did the math. I did it from my birthday to now. About 11 months" Kidd did the math in his head and nodded. That's about right.

"Then on the 22nd, I wanna take you out"he had something special planned for Jayla.

She smiled "Ok baby" she leaned over and kissed his cheek as they pulled up to the furniture store.

After Jayla and Kidd chose all the furniture for their new place and the baby furniture, they drove to a hotel for the night. Jayla phone started ringing. Mya.

"Hello" Jayla answered, putting the phone on speaker.

"Jay you heard from Khalil? " Jayla looked at Kidd who mouthed, say no.

"No why? What happen?"

"Nigga just disappeared." Kidd mouthed to Jayla tell her

"Uh well after he raped me he just ran out so he could be anywhere" Jayla said.

"Raped you? That nigga what? Hell naw. " Mya yelled, fuming on the other side of the phone.

"Mya, he told me he was sent off to a mental institution when he was a teen. Did you know that?"

"Naw, I mean I remember he used to leave during the summer like 3 or 4 Times until we reached 12th grade but never knew he was crazy" Mya said truthfully. Jayla sighed.

"Iight well I gotta go. We should have breakfast tomorrow, to catch up"

"Iight just call me when you wake up tomorrow" Mya said then hung up.

Jayla sighed and rested her head on the window. Kidd put his hand on her thigh and rubbed it.

Jayla closed her eyes, then her phone rang. Blocked.

"Hello?" she answered hesitantly, putting the phone on speaker.

"Wassup Jayla, I need you to listen real close ok?"the unfamiliar male voice asked.

"Who is this?" she asked.

"You see, people don't know this but Khalil and I are brothers, or should I say were Blood brothers and word on the street is you and your boy killed him. So to make sure my brother rest in peace, I'm coming for you and that unborn child. Enjoy your last days of living bitch" and they hung up. Jayla put her phone down and sighed, letting tears fall.

Kidd pulled the car over and turned to Jayla. "Baby relax. You already know while you with me, nothing happening to you or the baby. I'll find out who playin on your phone and they'll be dealt with. Ok? I got you ma"

Jayla nodded. "And I got you baby" Kidd smiled and pecked her lips. He started the car again and drove to the hotel. By the time they got there, it was going on 9p.m so Jayla and Kidd showered and cuddled.

"I'm happy I got you in my life" Jayla said softly. Kidd pecked her forehead and smiled.

"I'm happy to have you in my life too ma." it was quite for awhile until Kidd spoke again. "What if the baby ain't mine?"

"What you mean?"

"What if it's Khalil baby? I killed that nigga so if he the dad, the baby will grow up fatherless cause of me" he said.

"I assumed you would be the babies father even if you aren't."

"I guess I'll do that. But I'd feel horrible. I killed the lil nigga daddy" Kidd said sighing.

Jayla sat up and straddle him. "How you know it's a boy? What if it's a girl?"

"If it's a girl then great but it's a boy. Trust me" he smirked.

"How you know huh?"

"Cause I do, now go to sleep. A nigga tired" he yawned and pulled Jayla down next to him.

"Why you wanna go to sleep?" she asked.

"Cause it's late and I'm tired" he answered in a duh tone.

"Nope" she said popping the p. "Cause its night time night, night time night" she rapped. Kidd laughed and kissed her lips.

"You silly babe, goodnight" he yawned again.

"Night time night" she mumbled. Kidd grabbed her ass "Sorry, It's just so catchy" Soon they both drifted off into a deep sleep.

Kidd woke up to see Jayla tangled into him. He smiled and caressed her face. She popped up and ran to the bathroom, emptying her stomach.

Kidd held her hair and rubbed her back "You good ma? " she shook her head as she threw up again. A few seconds later, she stood up and brushed her teeth along with Kidd.

"Well good morning" she said frowning. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Morning baby and don't frown. It causes wrinkles" he slapped her ass hard then walked into the room to call up breakfast.

"Babe can we go to the clinic today? I need to get checked up" he nodded stuffing his face with waffles. Jayla wiped the syrup off the side of his mouth and kissed his cheek.

They finshed eating, having a full blown conversation, then went to get dressed. They walked hand in hand down to the car, Where Jayla found a note on her side.

Day 1 out of 3 bitch

She quickly got in the car and handed the note to Kidd. He read it and clenched his teeth along with gripping the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles were turning white.

They drove to the clinic in silence. Kidd was pissed off that someone would be dumb enough to threaten his girl. They obviously haven't heard about him.

They pull up to the clinic. Kidd opens the door for Jayla and grab her hand, gently pulling her towards the doors.

"Ms. Jayla? " the nurse called. Jayla and Kidd followed the nurse to the back. After running tests, the doctor walked in.

"Ok, your month and a half month, congratulations. And your stress levels are very high. You need to relax or you will lose or possibly cause damage to the baby." Jayla sighed and nodded "And you take anxiety pills? " she nodded again and the doctor wrote that down.

Kidd and Jayla were now driving to the trap. Kidd didn't want her away from him at anytime. They now will be attached to the hip.

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