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Kidd walked inside and went into Jayla's room, not seeing her. He searched the whole house before walking back into her room and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Jayla?" he called but no answer. He jiggled the handle but it was locked. "Jayla" he called out again. He ran his shoulder into the door 3 times before it busted open.

He looked in and saw Jayla's wrist bleeding badly and her knocked out. He picked her up and carried her down to his car then to the hospital.

4 hours later, a doctor walked out. "She's fine and you got to her just in time. We found anxiety pills in her system which helped her drift away after cutting her wrist. Also she is depressed. So we will keep an eye on her for today then she can leave tomorrow."

"Can I see her?" the doctor nodded before showing him to room. Kidd slowly opened the door, and saw Jayla sitting in the bed looking down at her bandaged wrist. "Jayla" he called but she didn't answer.

He walked over to her and sat down next to her bed and slowly reaching for her hand. She let him grab it. "Jayla look at me" he said. She turned and looked passed him instead.

"Why did you save me?" she asked lowly. That was the first time she talked in almost 2 weeks so that let Kidd know he was getting through to her. "I don't want to live anymore. I just want to die" she said with a straight face.

"Why? I saved you becau- uh shit. Iight I'll be honest. I have feelins for you Jayla. I saved you because I like you ok? You're like my highshool crush. And why would you want to die? You're beautiful, funny, smart, have an amazing smile and a amazing body to match. What could be so wrong that you want to die?" Kidd rubbed his thumb across her hand then kissed it gently.

"I've never had a boyfriend. Khalil was my first one and I thought it will be a good one and it was in the beginning. When you came for me that night, I found out what Khalil did for a living. I passed on your message, the one were you said you will come for me if he doesn't pay is father debt, and when I asked is he going to pay it, he said no. I asked why not and he said why would I. To me, that felt like a slap in the face. It's like he didn't care about me, so that night when you came to get me I was ready. I thought it was better if I left. Thinking me leaving was a good thing, but it wasn't. You choked me and I was raped. It's like people try to hurt me so that I run away"

Kidd nodded "You can't run away Jayla"

"I didn't. After he said that, he didn't speak to me for a whole week and stayed at the trap the entire time. He pushed me away"

"What about this anxiety thing?" he asked.

"I've had that since middle school" Kidd nodded again.

"You know I'm always here for you right? Whenever you need to talk or want me to listen, I'll be here" Jayla nodded and Kidd kissed her hand again. Jayla cracked a smile. "Is that a smile I see?" he joked.

"Yes, kinda"

"Good, I'll never hurt you Jayla. I'm always here for you" he said.

"Can you tell me about this debt thing? Since I'm in the middle of this"

"Iight, so when my dad was alive he was cool with Khalil's dad. Khalil and I actually used to chill together. Then one day, I heard my dad cursing on the phone at Khalil's dad over some money then threatened his life. A few days later, my dad told me to ride with him. That was when I saw him shoot Khalil's dad and I was suppose to meet them there to play also. A few days before my dad died, he said get the money back. And he my father, so I listened."

"How much" Jayla asked softly thinking it would be thousands or millions.

"$50,000. I asked my dad if I could just pay him the money and he said he wants it from Khalil."

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