Chapter 1 : Admirers of Uchiha Sarada

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This story is actually based on a prompt given to me by a friend on Tumblr. The time period is immediately set after a few days from the ruined Chunin exams and before the iconic Borusara scene on the Hokage mountain. This was supposed to be a one shot but transformed into a multi-chapter fanfiction in my mind!

I hope you enjoy this story!

Apologies in advance for all the grammatical and spelling errors, although I've tried to avoid them.

Disclaimer : Nothing related to the Naruto and Boruto franchise is owned by me!


Admirers of Uchiha Sarada

Boruto groaned in annoyance, forcing Mitsuki to steal a sideways glance at him.

It was supposed to be an ordinary get together of their entire class. Even now when their academy days were over, they still arranged such events every now and then to stay in touch with everyone. But the girls of their class were not here yet so they were allowed to talk about the boy stuff. They were supposed to talk about the upcoming Chunin exams, and also about the previous one which ended in a catastrophic way. They were supposed to talk about their opponents and their jutsus. They were supposed to talk about new video games and movies.

But they were currently talking about the one thing that they were not supposed to talk, or more likely, the one topic that made him extremely uncomfortable. And this is not the first time they were talking of this!

The topic of the current heated discussion among them was-


Or more specifically, Uchiha Sarada.

It had all started with an innocent praise from Denki.

"Oh! Did you guys see it? When Sarada-san defeated her opponent with a single punch?"

"Yeah. I'm have to agree that she's quite amazing with her fists." Surprisingly, Iwabee was the first person to agree with him.

Boruto smirked. The girl was a lot better than only her fists and shurikens. They have no idea. But the smirk was wiped off his face when someone up from the crowd spoke up, Boruto noticed that it was Renga-kun, about her.

"She is good. But I wonder if I am the only one who thinks that she's gotten much prettier than before? Like even the genins from other villages were talking about her and some boys were even checking her out."

Boruto almost blanched. Hearing that boys were checking her out made him really want to punch something for some reason he was not able to figure out. An unexplainable anger fogged his senses and the weird sensation only increased when someone exclaimed from the group.

"No dude! You are not the only one who thinks so! She's cute and is getting even more lovely by each passing day. I would really give anything to go on date with her."

His fists clenched tightly on his sides.

Stupid brats! Don't they understand that she does not have time for such silly stuff? She's going to be the future Hokage for God's sake. And Hokages don't have enough time to go on stupid dates!

He stuffed his hands inside his pockets and looked to the other side in annoyance, trying his hardest to block out the conversation going on, when suddenly he was dragged into it.

"Hey! Hey! Boruto-kun! You have known Sarada-san for the longest time, right?"

", what about it?"

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