Ch.24 Mystery

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Alexis pov
I've been awake for like 2 hours and was still in bed. Today I felt lazy but I knew I had to get up. I changed into a blue nirvana shirt and black ripped jeans.

I walked out and slowly walked into Colby's room. He was still asleep so I did what everyone would've done. I ran downstairs and got pans. I ran back upstairs. No one was done there so I guess I was the only one awake. I walked into Aarons room and started to clang the land saying wake up! He jolted up.

"Alexis! What the heck." He yelled.

"I was the only one awake for flipping 2 hours!" I replied back. I walked out saying "who's my next victim?" I walked into jakes room. I changed the pans together. Jake moaned.

"Get up child!" I yelled. I left to go to Corey's and Devyn room. I walked to the middle of the room. I mashed the pans. "Get up lovers!" I yelled still mashing the pans.

"Stop!" Corey yelled. I stopped and did an evil laugh. I ran back downstairs to put the pans away. I ran back up to Sam's. I jumped on his bed shaking him. "Sam get up. I'm lonely!" I stopped shaking him. He rubbed his eyes.

"Alright I'll get up." He says getting up.

"Yes!" I left his room to go to Colby's. I jumped on his bed shaking him.

"Colby! Get up. I'm lonely!" I stopped shaking him. He got up and hugged me. I hugged back.

"I'll get up." He said leaving the bed to his dresser. I left the room to mine. I just had the thought of a framed collage of me and the guys! Perfect.

I walked into Sam's room. He was dressed and was on his phone.

"Sam. I need pictures of you, the guys, and me. I want to make collages of us." I suggested. Sam got up from the chair and walked over to me. I held my camera up and posed in a gang sign and sticking my tounge out. Sam did the same.

"Thanks Sammy!" I hugged him then left to Colby's room.

"I'm making a collage with the guys. so can you come downstairs?" I suggested. He nodded and we left. I asked all the others to come downstairs for pictures. They all agreed. We took some pictures. They weren't like original pictures where you just smile. We made hilarious faces and made signs with our hands.

"Thanks guys!" I walked upstairs to edit the photos. I shut the door behind me and walked to my computer. I took the chip out of my camera and into the computer. Someone opened then shut my door. I turn to see Sam and colby. They both sat on my bed looking at my pro editing skills.

"Hey bros!" I yelled turning around in my chair.

"Hey Alex. So can we see the pictures?" I nodded showing them the before and after editing.

"Dang your good!" Sam implied. I smiled then clicked print to print the photos. I turned back around and they both picked me up from my chair. Then placed me on the bed. Colby picked me up and Sam followed downstairs.

"Wow colby! " Corey yelled. Aaron walked inside from walking buddy.

"Hey A Aron!" I yelled. He laughed and walked in the kitchen making his egg whites. Colby set me down and kissed me. I turned my head for a quick second and saw Sam looking down. As I left I turned back around.

"Sam are you ok?" I asked giving a confused look.

"Yea I'm good." He replied back. I was sure he wasn't ok but oh well. He must've been in deep thought. I walked into the living room. I logged on my profile and played fortnight.

"Alexis is good at this game!" Jake implied aloud with a girly voice. I smiled trying to fight off one guy. He died so I moved to another spot on the game. I was so focused I didn't hear anyone talking. I felt my fingers move so fast to dodge 2 attacks on me. I eventually killed both.

There was this building with no one on the roof so I built stairs to it. I had perfect view so I killed people with my gun from above.

"Dang Alexis! Your so close to beating Aaron's place!" I heard Sam yell to make sure I heard. I died from the last person on the game!

"No!" I yelled. I was so close to first place!

"Well better luck next time." I said getting up from the couch. So guys what did I do to wake you up?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well you went to our rooms and mashed pans together!" Jake yelled. I started to laugh as Sam and colby did.

"Well for me and Sam Alexis jumped on our beds and shook us saying she was lonely." Colby said crossing his arms.

"Oh so Sam and colby get the special treatment? Because you like them." Corey asked. I turned and said "Yea I like all of you but I just did it to you guys because it's funny!" I kinda yelled. Then I laughed a little. I grabbed Sam and Colby's hands and took them into the other living room with the bar.

"You guys deserve special treatement." I whispered then we all giggled.

"Yea, we totally do." Sam laughed. I laughed aswell. Colby looked at me with a smile. I hugged them both then left to go upstairs. I entered my room then a of a sudden Corey showed up and clanged pans together.

"Corey!" I yelled.

"Ha! You don't like it do you?" I laughed then he walked out. I made the collage and then framed it. Sam and colby walked in.

"Oh my gosh. It's amazing!" Sam dropped his mouth at seeing the collage.

"Brilliant job gf." Colby laughed a little then Sam ran over to grab it. He got to it before I could save it. He hugged it.

"This is mine!" He whinned I tried grabbing it from him and so did Colby.

We all started to laugh. I struggled so hard that I fell on the bed and laughed at my struggle.

"Hold...on." I held my hand up trying to stop laughing.

"Give it back sam!" Colby yelled. He made a weird face so when Sam turned he jumped.

They left but Colby left me with a kiss.

"I love you colbs." I smiled hugging him. He kissed my forehead then left. I was so happy to be with him. The only thing off is that Sam is more closer to me than everyone else except Colby. Well Sam is my best friend othr than Colby of course.

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