Chapter 3

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~Chase's POV~

In six hours I manage to complete my physics homework, biology report, tomorrow's precalc homework, and study for French. In six hours, Alex managed to jump out of her sleep twice and complain about something hurting.

"10:32 pm," the clock on her wall shouted with big red numbers.

I turn my attention to my phone and start finishing season two of Black Mirror. I haven't even been watching for five minutes when my eyelids begin to grow heavy.

A low rumbling makes it's presence known again before Alex holds her stomach in discomfort. She must be hungry. She hasn't eaten all day. Seeing that she wasn't awoken by her stomach, I make my way to her kitchen.

"Alrighty what kind of food does she--" I stand in shock with the refrigerator door wide open, "--have." It was empty except for a few apples, maybe a slice and a half of pizza and a water.

I walk back to her room and surprisingly find her still asleep. I spot her keys on her desk and tuck them into my pocket.

I quietly make my way to her front door and lock it.


"Oh my God Chase it's almost midnight hurry up and make up your mind," I scold myself quietly as I pace through the grocery store. I wasn't planning on cooking, oh no. I might kill us both if I tried to cook. I finally decide on buying two drinks and grabbing a chili dog plate from down the street.

I make it back to her house just before 12:15 am. Still no sign of anyone coming home. I unlock the door and let myself in, placing the key on the hook near the door. I walk back to her room to find her doing a worksheet for psychology.

"Uh...hey..." She looked up quietly before looking back at her worksheet.

"Oh hey. I thought you left."

"I went to get us-- you dinner."

"Oh, you didn't have to I'm not that hungry." Her stomach seemed to disagree.

"Not hungry huh?" I joke as Alex cracks a slight smile, looking down in embarrassment.

"Well...maybe I'm a little hungry..."


"No I can't eat all of this you need to take some," Alex said firmly.

"No this is all--"

"You didn't eat either you should be eating this."

"You didn't eat the whole day!"

"Not like that's new!"

Damnit I pissed her off again. She let out a sigh and put her head down on her desk. I sigh in defeat.

"I'm sorry, Alex, again."

"It's fine..." she mutters under her breath. I bring in a chair from the dining room and place it next to hers. I put my head down as well and place my hand over hers, stroking it lightly with my thumb.

"Alex?" I move my head closer to hers, my lips next to her ear. "Alex?" I ask again, this time pouting. "Alex I'm sorryyyyyy," I whine, lightly tugging on her shirt, begging her to look at me. Finally she turns her head to look at me.


"Do you feel better now?"

She nods happily, "thank you for dinner."

"Of course," I reply with a cheeky grin.

"Oh geez it's two o'clock, you should get going." Sadness and worry floods my once happy face.

"But then you'll be all alone..."

"Don't worry about me you need to go home and shower, eat, and go to sleep." I hear a car park itself in front of the house. "Shit my mom's home," she spits out, hurriedly packing my bag for me.

"Oh, um, okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Um--yeah-- see you tomorrow," she manages to stutter as she leads me out the back door. "I'll text you later."

~Alex's POV~

"Good night Alex..."

"Good night Chase--" I quietly slam the door as he ran to his car, departing within seconds.

I run back to my room, hide the food trash in my dresser, open up a few books, and unpack my bag.

"Alexandria Lee." Oh no...


I couldn't help but want to die. I'm curled up on my floor, my head throbbing, my arms tingling, my cheek bleeding. The event from only moments ago play itself in front of me over and over again.

"Yes mom...?" My face was met with her hand and claw-like nails. I held in my cries as her nails dug deeper into my skin.

"You had a boy over?"

"No--mom--he dropped me off after school and we were studying for physics--"

"I didn't raise you to be some kind of slut!" How ironic. I look down, knowing that saying nothing will be better for me than trying to explain myself. "Why the hell are you crying?!"

"I'm not crying--" I had been thrown into the wall and was being hit over and over again.

"Stop making up bullshit excuses for why you're such a weak shit or I'll give you a reason to cry!" I'd rather you kill me now. Right as she was about to smash my head in with a book, a baby began crying. Thank you Jordan. She threw the book onto me and stormed out, tending to the screaming baby. I crumpled to the ground and slept there, wishing that she had killed me instead.


I don't go to school. I don't want to go to school today. I want to see Chase, but I don't want him to see me. Not like this. More than half my arm is still bruising and it feels like I dislocated my elbow when I try to unlock it. My head is still throbbing, right between my eyes especially. And my cheek, I might as well say I was bitten by a dog.

Chase Kang

Are you at school?
I have lunch for youuuu :)

I'm not at school today
I don't feel too well right now

Aw :(
I'll come by after school today?
Unless you're gonna unexpectedly throw me out again lol

Read at 11:52 am

I hear crying coming from my mom's room. I wait to see if he would stop. If our mom is still home. Jordan wails louder the longer he is left alone. I pick him up and rock him back to sleep. Our mom is no where to be seen. A little early for drinking isn't it?

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