Chapter 6

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(Reapers POV)

"REAPER!" boomed the kings voice any other God would be terrified but i already new what he would be upset about. I calmly walked to the throne Room There King Asgore Sat looming over me "Reaper please refresh me on what you are?" the king said In a mocking tone "The God of Death." i replied in a cold tone "Then Please tell me why that Genocide is still ALIVE!" snapped the king I didnt flinch "Im  curious" i said nonchalantly The king dry laughed "You curious of a mortel Now ive heard everything" scoffed the king I locked eyes with him My Hollow ones piercing in to his i spoke through gritted teeth "The being is Dead yet some how still alive Iam only keeping him around for observation purposes To figure out how his soul isnt shattering by now" The king stared at me and i stared back now it was a game on who would back down and iam Not refusing to give up so easily.

The king finally looked to the side and i enjoyed a silent victory "Fine! ill give you the end of the week then i want you to kill that pathetic half dead being He serves no other purpose and will-is upsetting the balance" he said I nodded "Anything else?" i said sarcastically "No get back to your wretched job though" he spat back.

(Time skip!)

"Gaster I swear Asgore is gonna drive me insane" I grumbled gaster only chuckled staring in to the magic mirror "Oh? and whys that?" I shrugged and he looked at me with a skeptical look there was also a hint of knowing "You better not have bin spying on me with the mirror" It was his turn to shrug "Look i was wondering where you went so.." I rolled my eyes "Ugh I dont have time to deal with you right now." i said turning my back before i could teleport Gaster called after me "ooo are you going back to your secret lover?!"

I muttered curses to my self I found geno like usual watching the Screen "Ahem" i cleared my throat and geno turned to me he wasn't as startled as before, I guess hes gotten used to me hanging round like tori did. He made efforts to chat But i wasn't really that in to chatting today I was just to tired no i wasn't tired i was exhausted I couldn't help but close my eye..........

(genos POV)

I looked over at Reaper he wasn't hovering for once When i edged nearer I noticed the God was sleeping I mean he did look tired I studied his face he was actually really handsome i reached My hand out involuntarily to touch his face But realized what i was doing and snatched My hand back What are you doing  Geno?! if You touch his you will Turn to Dust!! I sighed hearing a teleport I turned to see the new comer It was frisk Well not my old worlds frisk but Reapers frisk.

She smiled warmly at me and took out a note pad and pen she scribbled for a moment before writing <Hello!> i waved placing a finger to my lips and pointed at Reaper i new they couldn't talk but i wanted to make a laugh out of it They giggled silently.

<Can you draw on his face for me?? it would be soooo funny!> they wrote I shook my head and quietly whisper "Ill die" she gave a confused look then flipped a few pages and wrote <use your magic> she wrote and then handed me the pen I sighed and chuckled lifting the pen out of her hands and focused my energy on writing on Reapers face She drew in the air what she wanted me to draw when we finished we admired our handy work. She high fives me then grabbed the pen <Oh my gosh hes gonna have a fit> i nodded trying to suppress giggling 

(Reapers POV)

I open my eye sockets slowly huh i must have drifted off I looked up and saw Geno giggling and frisk? "hey kid how did you get hear" they imidiently stopped laughing <Gaster> I rolled my eyes and smirked "And what about you whats so funny?" i turned to Genocide He just mirrored my signature smirk he folded his arms "what?" i asked he pointed to his own face and i new exactly what those two did "You didnt dare" i said genocide just burst in to a fit of laughter Not really caring what they wrote I wiped the pen off as best as i could 

I was slightly angry and i stood up "Oh come on reaps Your not that mad?" asked geno between laughs his usual sulky Hateful self gone. I looked at the both of them then smirked "No,But ill get revenge on you Genocide" I said "Its not genocide" I looked back at him "huh?" he smiled softly at me "well i mean it is Genocide but You can call me geno" he shrugged I looked at him i could already feel my self get attached to this Half dead glitch. The more i get attached the harder my job would be,I shook my head slightly "alright Geno cya around" I said and went back home Where there was no Threats of falling for a mortel No Gods to nag at You to do your wretched job no mortels to curse at you and hate you. Just silence bitter sweet silence Along with this new emotion of attachment came a few others I was not quite familiar with also longing,Love and Loneliness.

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