Chapter 4: Beacon Days IV

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Velvet: "Thank you, but wasn't that a bit much?" (F/N) looked back at Velvet still looking serious.

(F/N): "Never again will it happen." He starts walking out.

Velvet: "What won't? (F/N)?"

His body starts to hurt but he keeps walking and thinks about the past. It was a long time ago at Beacon Academy, before team STRQ, (F/N) was full of anger towards Ozpin and went out of his way to make life difficult the headmaster. He was walking the halls when he heard two girls, third years students, picking on a faunus girl. He didn't care back then, all he wanted was to be free, to kill Ozpin for sealing his powers at the end of the last war, he didn't care about the students.

The truth was he had done some horrible things to the faunus in the past, he had also done horrible thing to Humans too. He never chose a side, he couldn't choose a side, but he did watch and interacted with the world. (F/N) watched the faunus girl get bullied every day by the two older girls, he used it as an example to Ozpin that his Huntsman were a flawed idea.

(F/N) pointed out how no students stood up for the faunus girl, he pointed out that professors turned a blind eye, all he wanted was to show Ozpin that he was a fool, and (F/N) got his wish. (F/N) had had enough of the students and went looking for the faunus girl to convince her to leave Beacon, he heard a thud come from inside the room, the door wasn't locked, he opened and saw her hanging. (F/N) ran over to get her down, but when he realized she wasn't struggling he knew she was already dead.

He blamed Ozpin for it, his belief that good can always overcome evil, (F/N) was enraged and went after the two girls. He would show Ozpin how you deal with the evil in the world when you can't stop it with just means. The two girls were beaten senseless and permanently paralyzed, Ozpin was furious at (F/N)s' actions, but when he saw the girl still hanging in her room, he saw that (F/N) was right.

From that day (F/N) never tolerated false Huntsmen or Huntresses, his last words to Ozpin that day were 'you say you train protectors, what exactly are they protecting? The innocent of the world or is it that you just want bodies guarding your relics?'. (F/N) was now standing in the office of the Headmaster, facing Ozpin for attacking Cardin even if it was in the defense of another student.

Ozpin: "How many times have I told you? You can't keep attacking students even if they're in the wrong."

(F/N): "How many kids have to die till you address the problem?"

Ozpin: *sigh* "Every year there is bullying."

(F/N): "And every year I'm the only one who seems to stop it."

Ozpin: "Do you think the problem is solved if you use violence?"

(F/N): "Honestly Ozpin, fuck you."

Ozpin: "Watch your language."

(F/N): "Is that an order?"

Ozpin: "Please, just stop."

(F/N): "You want me to stop? Then let me leave!"

Ozpin: "And let Salem capture you?! No."

(F/N): "The only reason you managed to capture me was because I got sloppy over the last century."

Ozpin: "What happens when you get sloppy again? She will no doubt try to steal your powers. Now, back to the original topic, for attacking another student. Activate punishment level one." Every inch of (F/N)'s body began to burn as if he was submerged in a bath of scalding hot water. It lasted for a moment but caused (F/N) to yell, when it was over he looked at Ozpin with hateful eyes.

(F/N): "You're why Summer is gone."

(F/N) didn't say another word and left. He went to Doctor Oobleck, one of the professors who listened to his account of events from history. (F/N) was sitting atop Oobleck's desk, sharpening his blade while glaring at Cardin, while Doctor Oobleck himself was teaching the class and was currently giving a lecture about the Faunus War.

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