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"It is very infected and needs to be taken out for a while. Your tongue isn't reacting well to it and it needs to be cleaned out and you need to go without for three weeks at least. Unless you want your tongue to fall off."

"Ha! Told you your tongue could fall off."

Scott rolled his eyes, "Can I put it back after the three weeks."

"Yes but I suggest getting a more expensive, real metal, piercing. This one is real but its still cheaper."

"Mhm. You should know by now to listen to your wife."

Scott ignored him but chuckled, "Okay, thank you."

"Of course. I'll send someone in here to take it out and clean it out for you in just a second." The doctor said before walking out.

Mitch walked over and stood in front of Scott, pecking his lips.

"How does it feel? For real?" Mitch asked.

"Hurts like a fucking bitch. Tastes bad in my mouth too."

Mitch chuckled, shaking his head, "Why didn't you just tell me."

Scott shrugged, "Was just hoping it went away. I hate the doctor."

"Please, you know if this was me, you'd force my ass in here the second you noticed something."

Scott pouted, "No, I wouldn't."

"Honey, one time I had a cough and you took me to the doctor to make sure I didn't have the flu."

"It was flu season." Scott defended.

"It was summer, Scotty."

Scott pouted, "I was just making sure you were okay."

"And I'm just making sure you're okay, you can let me do that, can't you?"

Scott shook his head, "I don't need you to take care of me."

"Why is this such a big deal for you? Seriously, I know it's not because you hate the doctor. What the big deal. So your tongue got infected? So you have to go to the doctor?"

"I feel like a sissy, that's all."

Mitch quieted his eyes at Scott, "Listen I know you had fragile masculinity but I didn't know it was this bad. That you wouldn't even go to the doctor."

"My masculinity is not fragile."

"Scott, are you kidding? You lit-"

"Okay Scott, you're free to go whenever. Make sure you clean it out every day and don't put another one in for about three weeks and you should be fine. Contact us if anything goes wrong." The doctor said, smiling and holding the door open for the two.

Mitch smiled as they walked out, "Thanks Francine."

"Of course. Anything for my two favorite boys. Just go to the front and we can discuss a form of payment."

As the two walked back to the lobby, Scott looked over at Mitch, squinting his eyebrows.

"Do you really think my masculinity is so fragile?"

Mitch sighed, "Honey the fact that you're so worried about it just proves it."

"It does not. Of course I'm worried about what you think of me. You're the one I love."

Mitch sighed, "Well, yeah I think your masculinity is fragile. There's so much toxic masculinity going on in the world today and I feel like maybe you feel you have to be strong all the time because you're a man or that you can't cry or be open. It's not your fault, because I don't blame you for it, but the world around us has told us to suck it up all the time."

"Yeah I guess. Maybe I just don't like crying or maybe that's just my personality."

"Honey I've seen you cry once, and we've been together three years and now we're engaged. You hold so much in, and I think maybe you feel like I won't see you as strong or brave anymore if you cry. But that's not true. There's nothing more attractive than a guy who doesn't care what people think and is in touch with his feelings." Mitch explained, pushing the door open to the lobby.

Scott didn't reply and just held Mitch's hand as they walked to the counter.

Mitch smiled at the desk lady, "Hi, we'd like to make a payment."

"Yes, of course. Just give me one second," the lady replied, turning in her swivel chair to pull out some papers from her desk. "Grassi-Hoying, correct?"

"Yes ma'am," Mitch said, scrunching his brows together and looking at Scott, almost asking a silent question 'Grassi-Hoying?' 

Scott did a little half smile, "I changed it when I came in for a check up. Because we're getting married, ya know."

Mitch smiled back at Scott, "Yeah, I know."

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