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Okay so, as not of you know, Wattpad has been the biggest pain in everyone's ass lately and when I updated the book and uploaded this chapter, Wattpad deleted/made it blank to everyone who tried to read it. I just got back the chapter and now I'm updating it. Here you go :)


It took Wattpad so so long to fix and now that it is, I give you a decently sized chapter with talk of Avi and Kevin!!!

Side note on that: do we like the pairing?? What's the ship name??

Anyway, I'll be updating 05FM soon so be on the lookout!

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!


Kirstie tackled Mitch in a giant hug when Mitch showed her the ring.

"Mitchie I'm so happy for you! Y'all are gonna be so happy together. I'm so glad it was him." She said in Mitch's ear as they hugged.

The two were sat on the couch at Mitch and Scott's place, a black and white show ready to be played with popcorn on the coffee table in front of them.

They were turned to face each other as they talked.

"Thanks Kirst," Mitch said, pulling away from the hug, "We won't have a wedding for awhile but I'm just glad that it's official."

Kirstie pouted, "Why can't all of us find love like you did."

Mitch giggled, "I got lucky, I guess."

"Yeah, you did. Marrying your High School sweetheart. That's like fairytales, ya know."

"Actually, most people who get married knew each other in high school."

Kirstie rolled her eyes, "Well at least you dated yours right away. You had two boyfriends, one of which you're engaged to right now."

"Yeah, we don't talk about the other one. He was a dick."

Kirstie sighed at the mention of 'the other one', "Did you ever tell Scott about him?"

"No, he doesn't need to know. It'll make him upset and he'll like, go find him and kill him or something. And I wanna bask in the feeling of this happiness for forever so let's stop talking about it."


"How's living with Jeremy?" Mitch asked, "Sexual tension?" He joked.

Kirstie rolled her eyes, "No sexual tension. Tension, yes. We can't be left alone in a room together. It's so awkward. But he's offering me a place to stay and I need it."

"You can come stay here, Scott won't mind."

"No no, I don't want to interfere-"

Mitch set and hand on Kirstie's leg, "You won't be, come on, Scott won't mind and neither will I."

"You two are engaged now. Plus, I don't want to be a problem whenever y'all wanna do the dirty."

Mitch made a face, "We wouldn't do it with you in the house."

"My point exactly. I'll always be here because you know I'm boring and don't go anywhere else and you two would be horny and annoyed by everything and I don't want to deal with that."

Mitch sighed, "Are you sure? Kirst, you know you're always welcome-"

"I know," Kirstie said gently, cutting Mitch off.

Mitch smiled slightly and moved to be facing the TV again, Kirstie pressing play on his black and white show.


Scott walked in around four o'clock from hanging out with Avi, Alex, and Travis, going towards the kitchen.

"Ladies," he said, "I don't mean to interrupt girls night, just here for the beer."

Kirstie picked up the remote and paused the show, "Its okay, are you having fun?"

"Yeah. I told them about the engagement and we all bro hugged and now we're watching football while drinking beer. Very jockey."

Mitch and Kirstie giggled, causing Scott to look up from setting the beers on the counter and smile at them.

"Where's Esther?" Scott asked.

"She said she had something going on, but she wouldn't tell us," Mitch replied, pouting.

"Suspicious," Kirstie whispered jokingly.

Mitch rolled his eyes, "How's Avi?" He asked, expecting to hear that Avi was talking about Kevin.

"He's not talking about Kevin. Something happened between them and he won't fess up to me." Scott said, knowing that Mitch wanted to hear juice on Kevin and Avi.

Mitch pouted, "I'll talk to Kev about it tomorrow."

"Don't push it, Mitchy. If he won't talk, he won't talk."

"I know, I'll have Kirst there so she'll stop me when I'm getting pushy."

Kirstie nodded, "Yep. And I wanna hear all the juicy gossip about Avi from Kevin so."

"I thought they were way past the stage of hating each other and now just excepting that they like each other. I mean, for two weeks we saw love eyes from them and now nothing." Mitch ranted.

Scott picked up his beers, "I don't know, Mitchy. Don't get too involved. They should work it out themselves, okay?"

Mitch pouted yet again, "Okay. Love you."

"Love you too," Scott said, heading for the front door to leave and go back to Avis house.

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