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Most of this chapter is a flashback, or more like a 'memory'. If you wanna call it that. lol you'll see.

I won't keep ya long this time.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"You're so beautiful, you know that?"

Mitch chuckled and shook his head, "Thank you, Scottie."

Mitch sat on the couch, typing away on his laptop, writing a paper for his Writing Skills class.

Him and Scott have been dating for eight months. Eight months is all it took for Scott to be head over heals for Mitch.

It was nearing the end of the school year, Scott and Mitch's freshman year coming to an end, and Mitch had a lot of 'end-of-the-year' schoolwork.

Scott had gotten out of almost all the school work because he was on the football team.

ANYWAY! So Mitch was typing out a paper and Scott was sitting, cross cross, on the couch, facing Mitch and watching him type.

"It's true!" Scott said, "You're absolutely stunning!"

Mitch giggled, "Scottie! Stop! I have to focus!"

Scott put the coffee in his hand down on the coffee table, leaning forward and kissing Mitch's cheek.

Mitch rolled his eyes, Scott sitting back in his spot, "So, what'd you tell your parents about where you are?" Scott asked.

Mitch's fingers pressed the keyboard at a million miles per hour, "Um... I think I told them that I was with Kirstie." Mitch said, "Where are you're parents, baby?"

Scott chuckled, "Oh, ya know, out of town again, like always."

Mitch's fingers stilled, his eyes leaving his laptop screen to look at Scott's blue eyes that were downcast to the floor, sadness filling them.

Mitch set a hand on Scott's leg, his brows furrowed, "Honey... I didn't mean to upset you."

Scott shook his head, "No, no you didn't. It's okay," Scott whispered.

Mitch sighed, shaking his head slightly, "Scott? Do you think I'm dumb? I know that hurt look on your face. It's on your face every time I bring up your parents and it's on your face every time I come over on a day your parents left. Tell me what's wrong? You can tell me if you're hurting? I'm not judging you at all."

"No, Mitchie, I'm fine."

"Translation: my heart hurts. Scott. Talk. To. Me. You can confide in me. I'm your boyfriend. You can tell me anything."

Scott's eyes stayed down, shaking his head slightly, not saying a word.

Might sighed and moved his laptop off of his lap, setting it on the coffee table.

"Honey, you know I'm kinda sensitive about how much my parents are gone. I love them and miss them.. that's all."

Mitch smiled, "Honey, I know they love you too,... but.. if they didn't go on these trips, then they couldn't work and if they didn't work, then they couldn't make money, then they couldn't care for you and put a roof over your head. They do this for you Scott, remember that."

Scott sighed, "Yeah... I guess."

Mitch got on his knees, closer to Scott, wrapping his arms around Scott's neck, giving Scott a soft kiss, "Don't be so sad, honey." Mitch said.

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