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Scomiche is fucking real.

What is this suppose to mean, what weren't you suppose to tell, Ben. What's the secret.

Can we talk about how Scott's is 'Anticipation' and Mitch's is 'Suspense'.

I just can't, I'm crying.

And if you have no idea what the hell im talking about, I'll tell you. Ben Vogel, a guy that does a lot of the Superfruit photo shoots, posted these photos on his instagram and the words at the bottom of each picture are the captions of each photo. Like, what the fuck.

I'm dead.

Like what's the damn secret.

Fucking tell me.

On another note, I was suppose to post this chapter last night but fell asleep. So.....

Oh and baconlover4747 reply to my freakin message. Okay, love you.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Mitch's mom knocked on his door, not giving him time to answer and just walking in right after. (A/N- is my mom the only one who does this).

Mitch groaned. "Mom, your supposed to wait till I answer before walking in".

"I'm your mom, honey. I can walk in without knocking if I wanted. Your glad I even knocked".

Mitch rolled his eyes. "What do you want".

"There's a boy at the door for you".

Mitch's eyebrows drew together. "Scott"?

"Don't you think I would know it was Scott and I would tell you that"? She sasses.

Mitch giggled. "Well I know who I got my sass from now".

Nel laughed. "We'll hurry, he seems sketchy and he's making me uncomfortable".

Mitch bursted out laughing. "W-wait. O my god".

Nel laughed with him, putting a hand on her chest.

"You two gonna come down"? Mike shouted from downstairs.

Mitch calmed down enough to yell back. "Yeah, give me a second".

They both calmed down and Mitch checked himself in the mirror before heading downstairs with his mom.

Mitch stopped in the middle of the stairs when he saw who was at the door.

Chris was talking with Mike about football, Mike laughing at whatever Chris had said.

Chris caught sight of Mitch and smiled at him. "Hi". He said, a little too cheery.

Mitch gulped. "U-uh hi".

Nel rubbed Mitch's back. "Are you okay"? She asked.

Mitch turned to him. "Please get him out". He said, voice just above a whisper.


"H-he, he just did stuff to me and I don't want to be around him".

"Um... okay. Let me see what I can do".

Mitch nodded.

"Do you want to contact Scott and see if he can come over"? Nel asked.

Mitch nodded and ran back upstairs.

Mitch picked up the phone and called Scott.

Scott picked up on the last ring. "Hey, Cutie". He said.

Mitch giggled a little, despite the ass downstairs. "Hey, can you come over"?

"Of course. Is something wrong, you sound a little worried"?

"Chris is in my damn house".

There was a pause of silence on Scott's end.

"Scott"? Mitch said.

"HES AT YOUR HOUSE". Scott yelled through the phone. "IM ON MY DAMN WAY". Then he hung up.

Mitch sighed and laid down on his bed, waiting for Scott to get here.

Don't Mess With Scott Hoying's Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now