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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott drove Mitch home, dropping him off at his house.

"I love you". Mitch said, leaning over and pecking Scott's lips.

Scott smiled. "Love you too, baby".

Mitch smiled back at him and hopped out of the car with his books and backpack.

Mitch was about to close the door when Scott stopped him.

Mitch stooped and peeked his head back inside the car. "Yeah"?

Scott held up Mitch's phone. "Don't wanna leave this, now do you".

Mitch giggled and took his phone from Scott's hands, closing the car door and running inside.

Mitch's mom greeted him with a smile. "Hi, honey".

Mitch smiled back. "Hi, mom".

"Was that Scott I saw dropping you off"?

Mitch nodded. "Yeah".

Nel smiled. "He's a nice boy".

Mitch smiled. "I can agree with that".


Scott walked in his house and walked up stairs.

He threw his keys on his nightstand and jumped on his bed.

He took out his phone and made a group message.

Group: Alex, Travis, Avi, Mitchie

Scott: My parents aren't home and I'm thinking about throwing a party, who's in?

Alex: hell yeah

Travis: I'm there

Scott: mitch......

Mitchie: fine, fine. I'll go

Scott: whooooo

Mitch: as long as my friends can come as well

Scott: :(

Alex: that's fine with me

Travis: yeah, me too

Mitchie: c'mon, Scott, please

Scott: fine

Kirstie, Esther, and Kevin were added to the group

Mitchie: are y'all down for a party at Scott's place?¿

Kirst: I'm always down to party

Kevin: ....okay but I might leave early to finish my school work

Kevin: that or I might be late

Esther: Ooooo I'm def coming

Scott, that's what she said

Alex: o my god

Travis, yeah, Scott, ew

Scott: hey, y'all were thinking it, I just said it aloud

Kirst: actually, you texted it

Mitchie: Omg Kirstie

Kirst: what?¿ I was just giving the technical term

Kevin: they're not nerds like us, they don't care

Travis: amen to that

Scott: I second that

Alex: I third that.... Or whatever

Scott: where's Avi?¿

Avi: I'm here, just ignoring y'all

Esther: lmao

Alex: are you coming to the party?

Avi: ....idk

Travis: come, come, come

Scott: must resist

Kirst: resist what

Kevin: yeah I'm confused

Mitchie: ugh.... That's what she said

Scott: more like, that's what he said

Esther: ew. No.

Travis: OMG STOP

Alex: haha, anyway, Avi you should come

Mitchie: yeah, come

Avi: fine

Scott: WHOOP

Avi: yeah, yeah. I'm awesome. We know

Scott: anyway, the party is at my place at 7. See y'all there.

Mitchie: see ya

Alex: okay, see you then

Travis: kay

Avi: alright

Kirst: kay

Kevin: I'll see you guys then

Esther: yeah, see ya

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