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Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott pov:

We went downstairs and sat on the couches in the living room and all I could think is:

Yeah, I've had sex with your son on these couches

But I had to get that thought out of my head, I was suppose to be a 'good kid' for Mitch to hang around and for that to happen, I have to refrain from punching Mike in the face.

"So, Scott. You watch football"? Mike asked me.

I wanted to just say 'haha, yeah.... No'

But I couldn't, I had to make a good impression so Mitch could be around me.

I had to be a 'straight' male today.

So I smiled. "Yeah, I watch football. Haven't seen much lately, been busy with school work".

I glanced to Mitch and he just seemed to be zoning out while looking at his hands.

I looked back to Mike and he smiled at me. "Well, how about we do some catching up on football together".

I smiled. "Yeah, that'd be great".

Except it wouldn't be great, I don't know the first thing about football.

I had to shake these thoughts though. Mike has to like me.

Mike flipped the channel to a football channel and he sat back in his seat.

It was easy, acting like I know all about this.

All I had to do was scream at the TV when he did.

I guess it was pretty funny because everytime I did, I could hear Mitch's little giggle.

"Dinners ready". Nel called.

We all got up and went to the kitchen. There were four chairs around the table and we all sat down.

Here we go.....


Did y'all like it in Scott's point of view?

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