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Okay, I have just a little filler chapter today bc I'm 1. Working on the side book I'm going to do when this book hits 100-130 chapters and 2. I've already started on the next book I'm doing, even though this book is no where near done. And 3. I'm introducing a new book idea, if y'all like this, it will be the little side book I do when I move on to the next book after this one.



What It Means To Be PROUD


The Hoying's were the richest family in the US in 1935. Scott was the most well-known of all of them. Scott lived in one of the nicest houses you could find. But one thing no one knew, Scott is gay. As well as half of his staff. Being gay in the 1935's was shunned. Rick, Scott's father, protected Scott and his staff. Rick meets all of Scott's staff before he hires them, almost all of them gay.

On August 24, 1935, Mitch Grassi was hired to work as Scott's event dresser. But.... Mitch wasn't gay?


I actually have a question for y'all about the cover

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

I actually have a question for y'all about the cover. Could anyone tell me who made the edit. I have it in small letters at the bottom of the word 'proud' but I can't read it and I made this cover awhile ago. And I wanna make a few changes to this cover so if y'all could help me find who's instagram this is from, that'd be great.

Anyway, do y'all like it?

Should I do it?

Remember tho, this book would be a side book for the book I'm doing after this one. (Tongue twister)

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!



Scott shook Mitch awake, "Hey, baby. It's time to get up for school, if you're feeling up to it". He said in a hushed tone, careful not to startle the boy.

Mitch groaned. "I think I should be the one saying that to you. You're the one with the hurt shoulder".

Scott shook his head and stood from where he was kneeled by the bed, "No, I'm fine. It's you I'm worried about. I know how easily you can get sick. Especially when seasons are changing and-"

"I'm fine, Scottie. I feel much better after having so much damn tea", Mitch said, giggling, "but, really, are you sure you're good to go". He said, getting out of bed and walking into the bathroom.

"Yes, I'm sure. I can't go another school day without you".

Mitch sighed as he started the shower, "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't stay home". He said while stripping himself of his clothes.

"Well, my shoulder is fine. Nicole already gave me some medicine for it and I feel okay".

Mitch stepped into the shower and stood under the hot water. "Just as long as you're feeling up to it".

"Well, I am". Scott sassed.

Mitch opened the shower door and popped his head out, "Don't sass me", he commanded, then closing the shower door and getting back to washing his shampoo out of his hair, "I care just as much about you as you do me".

Scott let out a breathy laugh, "I don't think that's possible babe".

"It is", Mitch states, "I'm allowed to protect you to".

Scott shook his head, "Okay, babydoll".

"Babydoll? That's new". Mitch said.

"Yeah, you don't like it"? Scott asked, brows furrowed.

"No, I just like 'babygirl' and 'princess' more".

Scott smiled and nodded, walking out of the bathroom as Mitch stopped the shower and got out, "Noted". Scott said.

Don't Mess With Scott Hoying's Boyfriend Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora