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"Babe, I wanna take you out". Scott said to me.

I blushed and looked down at my hands. "U-um, o-kay. Where"? I asked.

We've only been officially dating for two months, he asked me out August 24, and we still haven't gone out on a real date. He still makes me so nervous and giddy every time he talks to me. I honestly have no idea why. He really can be such a sweetheart, even though he had a bad reputation at school.

"Well, I was thinking about this cute little steak house near the edge of town. It's a little pricey but I do get a lot of money from work".

Wait, he works?! I would've never known. I mean he is 14 and I guess 14 year olds can have jobs.

"O-okay. Who will t-take us"? I asked.

"We can call an uber". He said while sitting back on the couch and putting an arm around me.

I flinched at first but then relaxed a little into his touch.

He looked at me and furrowed his brows, "You look tense. Are you okay"? He asked.

I nodded my head, "Y-yeah. I'm just f-fine".

He tilted his head to the side and squinted at me in suspicion. "You're stuttering a lot. Are you sure everything's good, Love"?

Fuck, that nickname.

"I-I, yeah.... everything is um... fine". I replied.

"Are you sure"?

I bit my lip and nodded my head. Why do I have to be so damn nervous around him. I hate it. I just want to relax around him and let him get to know me and me get to know him. I mean, there's a few things I'm not ready to tell him about yet but I'm sure that time will come as we grow closer.

"Honey", he sighed, "I don't want you to be nervous around me, okay? I'm your boyfriend, I want you to be comfortable around me. Please tell me why you can't relax so I can fix it".

Should I? I mean he asked.

"I.. well... I just, I k-know y-you-"

"No stuttering, princess".


I nodded my head. "Okay, well, I know you as the bully.... um and I'm just.... uh scared to give my all because I don't want to um... I just don't want my heart to get broken...." I explained.

He frowned at me, "Baby, I'd never hurt you. You're mine and I'd never wanna hurt whats mine." 

Again with him treating me like an object.

I smiled slightyland looked down, nodding my head. "Okay". I said.

He smiled at me and lifted my chin, pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss.


Scotts POV


"Oh Miiiiiitchie". I called out to my beautiful boyfriend.

I heard him call back from upstairs and I immediately ran up them.

I walked into my room with a huge smile on my face. "Hey I got you some-" I stopped when I saw tears pouring down his face. I set the bags down and walked up to him, pulling him into a hug.

"Oh, baby. Don't cry. What's wrong"?

"I-I-I l-lost I-it. It's all my f-fault". He managed to get out before sobbing.

"What do you mean baby, what'd you loose"?

"The ring Scott! I lost the ring! I fucking l-lost it"! He cried out, balling my shirt into his fists.

I sighed, "Oh, honey. It's okay baby, we'll find-"

"No we won't! I alr-ready looked every w-where"!

"It's okay".

He suddenly pushed me back. "How could you say that!" He yelled at me. "It was a promise ring! From you! It's your promise to marry me! And I lost it! I fucking lost it!" He yelled before breaking down again and falling to his knees.


After I got him to calm down, he fell asleep. He was exhausted from crying so much. My poor Angel.

I looked around a little bit, trying to see if I could find it but I couldn't. I can see how frustrating it was for him.

I had planned to take him out tonight. To a little steak house near the edge of town. It was where we had our first date and I thought that it would be cute to take him there but I'll put it off till tomorrow.

For now I'm just going to try and find the damn fucking ring.


Fluff and smut is about to come so buckle up. There's just three more days of everyday updates. After that, I will update every other day so don't worry about waiting weeks in between for chapters.

Love y'all !!

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