This is progressing way better than the other one

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And the conversation continued along these lines, whenever it dropped to a level below Monica's preferred amount of light-heartedness, she'd make sure to pick it up by either commenting on something she liked about Uryu or borderline harassing him, both viable options in her book. Finally, she felt Uryu trusted them enough to ask the question she'd been building up to, "We don't have a place to stay," She said simply, a questioning tone hinting at what she really meant, can we stay with you~?

He didn't reply for a moment, just standing in the same place they'd been standing for the past 20 minutes. Monica almost lost hope he'd reply at all, until he frowned and spoke in a hushed tone, "I don't trust you enough to let you into my home," And Monica's shoulders sagged, "But, as student council president, I can grant you permission to sleep in the nurse's room," He finished his sentence with a victorious smirk.

If Alicia didn't know any better, she would've though that Ishida was actually helping them out of the goodness of his heart, but she did, "What's in it for you?" She said, trusting him less than he trusted Monica.

After the slightest hint of a smile, Uryu began walking away, with a subtle motion of his hand to get the girls to follow him. They walked for about 5 minutes when they stopped in front of a shabby looking apartment. The paint was peeling off the poorly constructed walls and the stairs looked like they'd cave any minute. When Uryu pulled out some keys and unlocked one of the doors, it was more than obvious that this is where he lived.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let us into your house?" Zee asked, a little weirded out at her new situation.

Uryu just harrumphed, the sound he made was more than enough evidence to prove he didn't mean it. Inside the apartment was a little better than outside, it was clean and well kept, if not a little bare. It had the bare essentials, although it really wasn't that big, it seemed like nice enough living conditions.

He then crossed his arms, a wide smile adorning his normally stoic face, "I'll help you out," He dug through some drawers in the kitchenette, "On the one condition you let me make you clothing," He pulled out a sewing kit with a victorious pose.

Zee and Alicia stood there slightly appalled, Monica, on the other hand, was quick to make herself comfortable in the corner seating area. She released a quiet squeal, although it was loud enough for Zee to throw a frown in her direction, "But why though?" Zee asked, not entirely comfortable with the idea.

Uryu looked away, pushing up his glasses, "Not everyone has the superior fashion sense that I possess," He looked at Zee straight in the eyes, "My talents shouldn't be wasted because no one is smart enough to take up my offer," He went back to fumbling through his things.

Alicia had gotten over her shock a little while ago, but remained silent nonetheless. She didn't really care about looks and as long as whatever he made was comfortable, she'd probably wear it more than once. It was Zee she was worried about, as far as Alicia knew, Ishida's tastes were eccentric, to say the least, and she didn't know if Zee would be all that receptive to a trench coat and cape combo.

Before any protests could really be made, Monica jumped up, "We'd be ecstatic! Everything you do is amazing! How can this be any different?" And it was settled, being forced to wear whatever Ishida makes seems like a small price to pay to sleep inside without getting called out on it, or at least that's what Alicia tells herself to avoid hating her life any more than she already does.

Morning came faster than any of them expected, Alicia most of all. The nurse's office wasn't really comparable to a bedroom but it was far more comfortable than the bathroom stall they had spent the night in previously. The curtains were drawn, so Alicia had at least expected to be woken up by the sunlight, however, Monica had a bit of a different idea.

It was mostly just shaking at first, but the second Monica started screaming at her to wake up, Alicia lost all hope of going back to dreamland, where the things that don't make sense, don't make sense for a reason.

"Alright, alright, I'm up, shut up," Alicia uttered, although until she had actually raised herself into a seating position, Monica didn't stop with the nagging.

Zee was already awake, he had trouble sleeping, especially in such a foreign place. He was seated in the corner of the room, and had his nose stuck in some book he had probably found.

Monica started shaking Alicia's arm again, "I have to go find Ichigo's locker but Zee won't come with me," She covered her face with her hands.

Alicia rolled her eyes, "Why can't you go on your own?" Although she knew the answer, Monica always forces her friends along with her when she has to do something. She'd be fine on her own, and if anything, Alicia would probably slow her down.

Monica didn't answer, what's new? Her only response was an excited noise, like all she heard was 'Sure, I'll come with you!'. Monica grabbed onto Alicia's arm again, dragging her out of the room and down towards the locker hall near the entrance.

The fatigue that came with every morning had only began to wear off by the time they arrived. Monica was going through all the cubbies, whispering the names she was reading through to herself, it was maybe the hundredth she had gone through by the time she smiled widely, pulling the paper bag from Urahara's shop to her face.

To Alicia's surprise, what Monica pulled out wasn't the candy she bought, it was an envelope, light blue and otherwise plain, "What the hell is that?" Alicia asked, although she already had a vague idea.

Monica opened it, as it hadn't been glued down, she was careful as to not rip or wrinkle the paper and pulled it out. In a passionate, but voice low enough in case any teachers or students arrived this early, she spoke, "I can't tell you who I am, since to you, I'm nobody. My feelings have consumed me, and I can't look at you without my heart beating and begging for a reply. I hide it behind harsh words and cold glares, but in the end, the hidden will always be uncovered. I hate you and against my better judgement, I love you." She ended her letter with a hearty laugh, unable to take herself seriously.

Alicia was just as unimpressed, "Really?" She hollowly asked, knowing her friend well enough to know she was seriously going to put that love letter inside Kurosaki's locker.

With an enthusiastic nod, she put the letter back into the envelope, and carefully placed it into the cubby. With a little less care, she grabbed a handful of the candies she had purchased and placed it around the letter. From what Alicia could see, most of them were bitter chocolates and not too sweet candies. Although she didn't know too much about Kurosaki, it made sense that he didn't like sweets, as it was a common trope amongst anime characters, it still pissed her off that Monica cared so much though.

Alicia was about to head back, body already turned in the direction of the stairs, "Done yet?" She asked Monica.

"Of course not! It's Uryu's turn now," Monica turned back to the lockers, now scanning for the quincy's name. It didn't take as long and when she found it, she took out another letter.

This time, since Alicia knew what it was, took it out of Monica's hands to read it herself, she really wasn't in the mood for Monica's impersonation of Ichigo right now. She opened it just as carefully, if not more and started reading.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what I'm doing. You're an asshole and I wish I didn't but I really wanna be with you. I wouldn't tell you, but I can't get you out of my mind. Every time you look at me, I feel your gaze, every time you speak to me, all I hear is music. I hate that I love you, but I need you to know.

Alicia was left perplexed at the change in handwriting, Monica definitely didn't know how they write, but she was nearly convinced they wrote this themselves.

"So~?" Monica sing-songed, obviously satisfied with herself, "Ya'think they'll figure it out? I didn't wanna make it too obvious, but at the same time, they have to suspect each other," She took the letter back from Alicia and put it in Ishida's locker with the same treatment as she did the other, "Oh! You don't know how hard it was to call Uryu an asshole, good thing I didn't write it!"

Alicia rolled her eyes, she wouldn't be able to write something so stupid and she didn't even want to think of what would happen if she was caught. She patted Monica on the back, a blank look on her face, "If this works, I'll buy you an Ishida charm."

Monica's eyes shone with determination.

Monica's Attack on the Soul Society! Ichigo's revenge?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα