Well, Crap

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I wasn't fully paying attention to what my teacher was saying. As soon as she had started talking about a plant that mimics a memory of yours, my mind had darted wandering off and thinking about Prince Jem. The way his eyes sparkled when he caught the light perfectly. The way the corner of his lips twitched when he was suppressing his beautiful grin. My stomach was in knots and my head was a mess. I couldn't go a day without thinking what Jem knew and I didn't. I recalled last week when he and I were in the old storage room. His eyes were just looking down at me; I wanted to just see what it would be like to--

"Miss Riling." Professor Guinevere tapped on my head with her wand several times and I shot up.

"Yes?" My cheeks turned a light shade of red and she smiled down at me. Then, she pointed her wand to something behind me... that something turned out to be Brutus. He sat with a painfully annoyed expression.

"Professor Marda is taking you out of class for the rest of the day. We don't have all day so hurry up and follow along." Brutus tried to turn around.

I shook my head to him. "I can't--"

"It's fine, Vanessa. It seems you are in too dreamy a mood to pay attention for any of your classes today. You should be going, now. Ta ta." She shoved my things into my arms and pushed me out the door.

"I'm sorry, Professor. Have a nice day." I smiled at her before throwing a glare at Brutus. This dog was really starting to annoy me. He just continued walking until we were in a desolate hallway. I looked down to him, waiting for him to explain but he just kept walking. His nails clicked against the hard stones of the floor and echoed in the tall ceilings. I lost my patience. "Well? What does he want with me? I reported my dream this morning and everything."

I thought back to the dream I had last night. It creeped me out to the point where I had barely any sleep. All I remembered was running through a forest, trying to get away from someone. A someone with a capital S because that Someone scared me out of my mind. Whenever I did fall back asleep, the dream would repeat itself and I woke up shortly after. It came to the point where I just stayed up reading a book for the last couple hours before school started. Maybe that was why I was so out of it today?

"Tonight there will be a small party to celebrate King Xavier's birthday. The Professor, Luca, and I are all invited. But, the King asked for you to be there. He said he would cancel the entire party if you weren't there, then he would come to the school itself, which is strange of him, just to make your acquaintance. So, you are coming whether you like it or not. It begins in three hours," Brutus said as we entered one of the Tubers. As soon as I spoke which floor I was going to, the tube flew into the air and I suppressed a scream. I pressed my hands to the walls and glued my feet to the floor.

"This is why," Brutus stated as he led me away from the Tuber and up to the door of my bedroom.

I hesitantly opened the door to my bedroom and nearly dropped all of my things. I gasped at the sight before my eyes. Dresses were everywhere. Clari had throw dresses onto my bed and a precious few even hung from the various statues around my room. From the looks of the pile, Clari had made enough dresses to last me a lifetime. They all varied in color and length. But, most of them seemed incredibly formal. Instantly, I knew I would never wear most of them.

I sat my things down and Clari flew to me. A bright (and slightly crazy) smile on her face. I just gawked at them all. If I actually wore fancy gowns, I would have a dress for every day of the year!

"Of course, Clari won't stop until you look presentable for a thousand kings. She would give her soul to meet the king himself, but of course she doesn't have one of those. She's a fairy. If she tried to fit you into something you can't breathe in, just scream for help. I'm sure someone would come along to help you escape her terrible world of tightly laced dresses and horrendously high heels. After you find your dress, you will meet some of her friends and they will do your hair and makeup. They'll probably try to give you plastic surgery but don't be alarmed. Now--"

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