Calm Before the Storm

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I had my legs spread out on Justin's lap as he slept. Only he could fall asleep during Tom & Jerry. So, I had grabbed a book that I had read fifty plus times. It was a fantasy book, since those were my favorite kind to read. I never realized how real some of these descriptions seemed. They were so vivid and you could imagine them almost perfectly. Sometimes it made me think that there really were faeries and goblins and dragons out there. Then all of the years of learning science in school caught up to me. So I eventually just realized that it was a dream long gone.

"Vanessa, there is someone at the door for you. And, he is really pretty," Mom whispered the last part as an excited grin spread across her face. It was probably Luca. I mean, who else did I know that was really cute? I wonder how he found out where I live. What if he really was a stalker?

"Hi." I had walked to the door and was now gawking at Luca once again. I really had to get that under control. "Um, how did you find out where I live?"

"I swear I am not a stalker and I swear that I am not going to kill you. I went around asking some of the people on a couple streets where you lived. Your neighbors are really nice. Especially Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy. They gave me a couple cookies. Want one?" Luca held out a little napkin with cookies on it.

I couldn't help but take one. They really did make delicious cookies. "Okay, I believe you. But, why are you here? No offense or anything." I rose an eyebrow as he reached into his pocket. At first I thought he was going for a knife or gun or napkin soaked in chloroform but instead he pulled out something I recognized.

"After you left I went back out to find my dog and when we came back he almost got a hold of this. I grabbed it before it could turn into one of his new chew toys," Luca informed as he held out the small charm bracelet that Justin had given me for Christmas. I instantly recognized the silver links and colorful teddy bears that hugged them.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much. I hadn't even realized that I had lost it." I grabbed my bracelet with furrowed brows and stepped aside. "Come on in."

"I have my dog. I don't think it would be a good idea." Luca looked down to a small American bulldog and I couldn't stop the "aw" that escaped my lips. The dog was almost cuter than Luca was.

"It'll be fine. I'm glad you found him." As he stepped into the house, his hand brushed against mine and, this time, I felt sick to my stomach. Something about him made me feel so alive, but still so sick.

"Mom, this is Luca Marda. He's the person whose house I was at yesterday. His family stays down here sometimes," I introduced Luca to my mom and as soon as her eyes landed on him it was like they were stuck on him. Thank God I wasn't the only one who couldn't help but stare at him.

"Nice to meet you. We have a house down here for vacationing." Luca shook my moms hand and she continued to speak, although it was in a daze.

"Nice to meet you, as well. Why would you want to vacation in a place like this? Where are you from?" Mom cocked her head and I tried to avoid looking at him for as long as possible. He was acting like nothing had ever really happened between us. Instead, I bent down and began playing with his dog.

"What's his name?" I smiled as he rolled over and rubbed his stomach.

"Brutus. He is an attention hog. Try not to spoil him," Luca said from above. No promises. Brutus began licking my face and I laughed. I loved animals. Though, they didn't always like me. Actually, most of them didn't like me. I recalled the time a bunny had pooped in my lap and a goat had tried to eat my hair. Yeah, animals normally weren't too fond of me.

"Nessa, why didn't you wake me up? I missed out on Tom-- Who are you?" Justin rubbed his eyes and stood up from the couch. He slowly approached Luca and didn't take his eyes off of him. Then again, maybe he couldn't. Luca was like a magnet to all of us, so far.

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