Dress Up

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I opened my eyes. I was in my bedroom, and a girl with straight blonde hair, silver eyes, and a small frame was at the foot of my bed. I tried to speak, but my mouth wouldn't open.

"My name is Sharn, Princess Vanessa. I'm not your enemy so there is no need to try anything dangerous." She smiled sweetly and came to stand by my bedside. "I was sent by someone your friend wishes to see. She wants me to inform you not to look for trouble. She said, 'The strongest bond is a promise'. So, please, keep your promises and don't interfere with others. You may not always agree, but people take the best options out of what they are given. Another friend wanted me to tell you of how much she loves you. Though, I cannot put those words into my own. Your mother wishes you good luck on your journey." Sharn winked and disappeared.

I fell into a deep sleep.

'Sharn, you have to hurry.'

'I promise. Do you want me to speak to the boy?' Her silver eyes glimmered with hope, but she was shot down.

'No. Just visit her.' The woman at the table shook her head. 'If you meet him, everything will be messed up. The future will shift. We can't afford for that to happen. Lives could be lost.'

'Sharn, now.' The first woman, my mother, nodded and Sharn disappeared.

She was alive.

I opened my eyes and found a very displeased Professor Marda. He was wearing the same robe as the one he wore when I first arrived here at the Academy. "I hope you're happy."

"Hello, to you too, Professor." I sat up in my bed and he sighed. "Well? What did I do this time?"

"When you jumped off that cliff, very few of your fae were happy at the sight of their princess dying. The very idea that you are vulnerable tears them to pieces. You shouldn't even be in the games in the first place--" Professor Marda threw his arms into the air and I crossed mine.

"Fine. I don't want to have anything to do with them, anyway. I realized that in the maze," My voice was cold and indifferent as I spoke; it was like someone else had spoken for me.

"Also, you need to go retrieve your sword. No one else can get it from where it sits and something like that out in the open could only lead to trouble." Professor Marda paused as King Xavier stepped into my bedroom.

"Darling! How are you? I am sorry about what happened yesterday during the games-- It was not your fault. And, I am sorry you feel like I am crowding you but I have never had a daughter before so this is all new to me. I am trying the best I can to protect you but." I fought the urge to strike him down with lightning right then and there, but I instead I decided to only make him think I was falling for his bait. "you just are not allowing me to... to really be a part of your life."

Oh, please. "No, you're right. It was unfair for me to act that way when you were only trying to protect everyone. I'm fine, now, and I won't be partaking in the games ever again." I smiled and he sighed with relief.

"Right. Thank you." King Xavier's bright and almost flawless-- I was counting all of the lies he had ever told to his kingdom-- had returned along with his ever-rosy cheeks.

"So, Princess Vanessa," Professor Marda's hands gripped the soft fabric of his robe as he cleared his throat to speak. He seemed nervous around King Xavier. He was finally beginning to believe who the real enemy was. "Your father was wondering if you would mind a couple things," I mentally vomited. I refused to address King Xavier as: Dad, Father, Daddy, or even Pops (which I sometimes called my real father).

"First off, we are planning on having your coronation outside; on a cliff with a beautiful view of the sea. Probably in the afternoon, just as the sun is leaving the sky," King Xavier rose his eyebrows and I nodded to clarify that I was okay with the plans. "Your decorations will be white, magenta, gold, but not much silver."

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