I walked out of the living room, and grabbed my bag off from the couch. My heart hurt a little bit. Ok, maybe I was overbearing when it came to talking about this certain subject about Jayce, but I would have never though that he would push me away. I get that he’s frustrated, I’d be too, but if he just told us who did it, we’d be able to help.

I haven’t talked to Jayce for a few days. It was the weekend, and usually we’d be together right now, but since he didn’t want to see me, he hasn’t contacted me at all. Instead of moping around my house, like I did for the past two days, I decided to get out of the house with two people who I know I could certainly count on; my brother and his best friend.

I really did miss hanging around Cameron and J.C. Before all this Jayce stuff happened, they used to be the only actual guys I spoke to, aside from Colton of course, but he’s completely long gone. So to make up for my absence with Cam and his best friend, I decided to tag along with them on their trip to the mall. And apparently Cam had a surprise in store for me.

Since they were coming from J.C’s house, they were supposed to pick me up from our’s. Seeing their car pull up in front, I skipped over, surprised to a see a familiar head of auburn hair with highlights that resembled the sun. I opened the door behind the passenger seat, “Hey, who’s this?”

I slid in right next to J.C, since the girl was the one in the passenger seat.

She turned around and I finally caught a glimpse of her face, “Hi, I’m Cassidy. You must be Alex, Cam talks about you a lot.”

I returned her smile, and seemed to remember the day I caught them in the park together on their date. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” She replied.

“So if you don’t mind me asking, are you two uh, a couple now, or are J.C and I fourth wheeling this date of yours?” I said with embarrassment.

Cameron’s cheeks overwhelmed with redness, “That’s sort of classified information for now.”

I rolled my eyes at him as he started the engine of the car, driving off towards the town’s mall. I let out a breath of ease, fully knowing that today I’d be avoiding the drama that included Colton and Jayce. Sometimes I have to think of making myself happy rather than others, no matter how selfish that sounded.

“So how are you doing Alex?” J.C asked, attempting to make conversation.

I sent him an uneasy look, which he quickly responded to, “Right, stupid question, I shouldn’t have asked that.”

I really wanted to avoid subject of my well being today. The rest of the drive was filled with the background music of the radio whilst my brother and Cassidy had a conversation together, occasionally asking J.C or I for our input. As Cameron pulled into the parking structure for the mall, I couldn’t help but notice the array of shoppers going in and out of the 3-story building. Well, it is Saturday, and that is when most people do their errands and such.

We helped my brother pull into a vacant spot, and as soon as we entered the building, Cassidy interlocked her arm with mine and bid my brother his best friend a goodbye, saying something along the lines of, “Girls needing their girl time.” 

She dragged me inside a store I’ve grown to like, ‘Cotton On’, and immediately started scouring throughout all the clothes racks and shelves, whilst also keeping up a conversation with me.

“So Alex, tell me something,” She said, picking out a tank top from one of the racks. “Has Cameron had any girlfriends before me?”

Now that I actually think of it, Cameron has never had a steady girlfriend. Yes, he’s had girls fall to his feet, and occasionally he’s been on a few dates but they never went anywhere.

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