Seventy-Three - Laura Is Its Name

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Laura Is Its Name



Catherine turns her face towards Vivian and considers how, since she joined the ex true in the passageway, this demoted submissive has not raised her voice due to powerful emotion, to passion, which is what first drew Catherine’s attention to her to begin with, from outside the tunnel. The three women continue to stand in darkness that is broken only by three small beams of light.

Is she too “even” to escape, now? Could I have possibly made her “even?” I have to get her out of here, so, feet, take me back, take me away from her. Whatever further information I may get from her is not worth her losing her chance. I know why I’m drawn to you, Vivian, since you seem to know so much and to be so open about it, but why are you drawn to me? Because of my bad luck, of course. If I were in your shoes, I would rather be caught on these grounds and killed, than trafficked and forced to . . . But I dont have to run right now, because I still have time to save myself, dont I? In a safer and better way? One that has more chances of success? Is a whore under such close watch after being trafficked that she cant kill herself? Is she chained? So, the end of all true submissives is either diseased and mercy killed, trafficked, or traded to another master, like Vivian was? Oh, and just traded to another master because a master is bored, of course. And too bad, of course, if its the submissive whos bored and who wants out, because she has to do what her master says. Just run, Vivian. Theres no uncertainty in your case: something bad will happen to you. So choose the option that offers some hope, at least. There has to be hope in all this, right?

Tristan would never allow you to have another master, healer reminds her.

Thanks. So, Id be buried alive with him, then, like the concubines of Egyptian kings were? It was the Pharaohs who did that, right, for their afterlife? Women were just objects for them to bring with them, to kill off.

Youd want a new master?

Maybe hed be easier to escape from, and it would definitely be the best ending, out of the options.

“It meant something, that you didn’t want to undress, at first, this weekend,” the other true directs at Catherine.

“Teen girls are pressured into flashing their breasts online or into sexting -- and more -- and that’s the kind of male pressure that girls and young women have to learn about, so they can learn to avoid it and deal with it,” Catherine replies, from her writer-friend’s file.

“What does it mean that your nudity is obviously no longer on your mind?” The other true continues. “You have a fine body. A submissive must have confidence in herself. She must not be ashamed of her body.”           

“Once a man controls a girl or young woman that way, through nudity and what’s attached to it, then she’s not only treated like an object by him and by others -- including cruel females -- but she even treats herself like an object, since, when she kills herself, she’s just putting herself in the trash, because of how that man and others forced her to see herself. Where are all the publicity campaigns to warn girls and to tell them not to treat themselves like objects, and not to ever let anyone else do it either? Where are the ads that warn them that any nude photos of themselves will end up making them feel like they’re just things, like they’re nothing more? My writer friend used to tell me that, since I’m young,  all men are after me, lose their mind over me, and . . . ”

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