Sixty-Six - Reality's Returning Grip

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Reality’s Returning Grip

When Catherine enters the buffet room, the sun is shining in brightly, through windows mounted high up on the room’s double-height walls, and yet, it feels to her as if it is the middle of the night.

It is not that she is yawning, or that her eyes are closing of their own will and that she therefore feels a need to consider a return to the room of babbling in order to prevent sleep from sneaking up on her. It is the quiet of the room and the current let-up of weekend play that make it feel as if it is the dead of night.

Catherine is not the only true-submissive in the room: two others are eyeing the food tables as well, from a distance, as they converse. Tristan’s female immediately stops walking, choosing not to approach them, just in case.

Out on the table of her mind, the pained, flowing thoughts and stream-of-consciousness venting of the physically restrained non-refundables hemorrhaging profusely from their mind, remain. The overflow of thoughts and emotions from the women on the television panel linger as well. Catherine, however, does not look towards the table, succeeds in ignoring it, until her ears capture what one of the two true submissives in the buffet room is saying.

“There’s no one with less power than a street whore, and that’s why so many weak men out there go to them: to get the only sense of power that the world ever allows them to have. So, those men are most unlike our masters. If those men were to go to escorts or to whores higher up on the hierarchy, then they wouldn’t feel any power at all, because those women are different than the street variety: those women are organized and know exactly how they’re playing men. So, the men who go to them have to be stronger to begin with, if they’re to feel power. We have all varieties of non-refundables here, this weekend, but only one kind of man.”

Sounds like a normal conversation, that is, for women surrounded by non-refundables.

“A woman can be hit wherever, by a stranger, on the street, and, once her body is healed, she won’t be nearly as traumatized as if she was violated, because there’s a huge difference, since being violated involves so much more. So, the excuse that buying a woman for intimacy is just like buying any other service that a woman provides in society is bull, because other services involving other parts of the body are not the same at all,” the other true submissive replies to the former.

“But Pakaloon didn’t actually pay her, and the central argument to the case was the expectation of privacy, when someone is speaking to someone else in their own home. Some men were saying that the mistress should’ve been legally punished for releasing those voice recordings of him, and maybe people should indeed be allowed to say whatever they think, in their own home, without a chance of their nasty personality traits ever being leaked out to everyone. But then again, we tell kids all the time that it’s not ratting someone out, to tell adults about bullies, and so, how is it ratting someone out to tell the world who they really are? And if a public figure were saying hateful things about women in private, women would want to know.

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