Chapter Seventeen-It's Time

Start from the beginning

"Come on Granger, we both know this was your goal, to make sure I wasn't going to end up being a dark lord and then return back home. As mysterious as you are, I've figured that one out."

She glares at the golden instrument laid in the snow. She felt numb. Like this was done dream. "I never said I was leaving!"

"You didn't have to."

"No! I'm-I don't understand what you expect me to do."

"Granger." He stepped forwards, peering down into her wide eyes, wrapping his arms around her skin frame so he could feel her warmth. He placed his lips lightly on hers, and the tears that fell down her cheek intermingled with their kiss.

She then burrowed her face in his neck, truly beginning to sob. She was tired, and more so her head was tired from their ever changing relationship. But she held on tight realizing the time had come. She would have to leave.

"You're not a monster!" She whispered. "Funnily enough I've learned to love someone that I thought I never could."

"Love? Well I presume it's because I'm so sexy."

She let out a laugh between her tears. "Come on." She stuttered pulling on his hand.

They trapped down the grounds even further away from the castle until they were in the edge of the forbidden forest. It was pitch black, and the monstruos trees stood like alive creatures.

"I want to spend one last night with you." She said simply.

"In the forbidden forest."


She raised her wand conjuring a single hammock.

Once it was secure she
climbed in, pulling Tom in with her. She shifted so she was laying on his stomach, his arms wrapped around her. She kissed him for a while, laughing as he tickled her. But eventually tired, she lay her head on his chest and just absorbed him. His calm voice, she let it sink through her.

"You know what I'll miss about you most Granger. The ferocity behind your eyes. You were always a force to be reckoned with. And perhaps the time I first kissed you. That's when I knew- " he paused. "I love you."

She had her eyes closed, and drifted to sleep contently, his words playing in her head.


She awoke quickly, darkness all that was visible. She remembered where she was as she felt the steady breathe of Tom beneath her. It was time.

She had to leave like she'd planned. First she placed a kiss on his lips, taking in the last of him. "I'm sorry." She apologized for what she was about to do.

First she drew his memories into a vile she had kept in her pocket. Once the glass was filled with the silver liquid she capped it and took in a nervous breathe. It was time to do what she didn't think she could.

She raised her wand to the boy, asleep in a dream. Would he realize when he woke how much of his life was removed. Would he miss her?

Barely audible she whispered the incantation with trembling lips. "Obliviate"

It was done. His memories were gone, only stored in her vile.

Her emotions were numb, for she couldn't cry until she had finished. She levitated him up to the castle, and left him on the sofa in his common room. "Goodbye Tom Riddle." She whispered before exiting the room into the dungeon corridor.

She climbed and walked until she met the professors quarters. She knocked, and Albus Dumbledore dressed in his nightcap let her in. She got slightly excited realizing the familiar face. Realizing she would soon be returning.

"I've done it." She said.

"Done what?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

She smiled, and gained the courage for the last step as the two had agreed upon. "Thank you professor." She stated.

"Have a safe trip Mrs. Granger."

She exited the room and made her way to the corridor where it all started. Where she had arrived. She made sure she Had the potions book, the diary from her time, and was wearing the clothes she had came with. A pair of jeans and a jumper.

She sighed, then pulled out the time turner, but only spun it half a rotation as instructed. There was a blur, and when the scene halted once more she realized it had worked. It was The day she had arrived in Tom Riddles school year.

Her footsteps echoed down the empty corridor. The walls were familiar, but she felt anything but comforted. She was now in some time, in which she hadn't planned on coming, and she would have to figure what year it was to get back. She mentally cursed ever owning that golden chained time turner, in which was still tucked into her jumper.

Her head snapped around, as she heard footsteps coming from around the corner. She mustn't be seen. She wasn't supposed to be here, and talking to those from the past, could be disastrous in changing her future. Looking for a way out, her eyes flickered to the handle of a broom-closet, and within seconds she threw herself in.

Hermione watched as herself hid in the broom closet as she had done the night she arrived.  Afraid of being seen.  Although this time she wouldn't allow herself to be found by a prefect.  The prefect that was Tom Riddle. 

Knowing well aware of the danger she pulled open the broom closet and was met with a scream as her self looked upon her. 

"You're me!" Her old self stated. 

"Yes, I'm afraid there is no time to explain, just go back in time before you mess with the past. Please trust me fifty turns should do the trick." 

Surprisingly her self listened and vanished.  Hermione sighed as the girl disappeared. It was working.  She had just fixed the past. Prevented herself from ever meeting Tom Riddle.  

Though the sound of footsteps alarmed her once more.  She knew they were Tom's and so she too began to spin  the time turner fifty times, pulling it out from under her jumper.


The boy's hand was on the handle. 


And just like that she was gone. 

Tom opened the broom cupboard, but was irritated that no one was there.  He could have sworn.  He closed the cupboard and continued his rounds.  When he was Voldemort, this would all change.  He wouldn't be just some prefect.  He would be the most feared Wizard of all time. 

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