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I gazed at the lake and couldn't avoid it, I smiled. It was so beautiful here.

"Now I understand why this was your favorite place in the lake mum." I said out loud.

I looked at the lake and gave a small smile, Andres was having a hard time trying to control Natalie and Kristen the two crazy twins he had, both looked a lot like him and a bit like me as he often told me, they both had blonde hair and blue eyes but they had the wavy hair like Maggie too bad none of them got the red hair she had I was actually looking forward for that.

"Maggie, honey can you help me?" Andres said before Natalie and Kristen managed to knock him over to the lake.

I laughed as the girls as well managed to get Maggie down.

"Anthony, please wait!" Nina yelled as she went after him.

I think my dad was right, this lake made the kids go crazy but it was good there was only one more month left of summer and after that they would go back to the school.

Anthony was already eight years old, it was so insane to watch him grow, he did that very well and fast, Anthony got the blonde curly hair from Nina and the blue eyes of Blake.

"Blake, can you please help me with him?" Nina said as she tried to place the floaters on Anthony's arms.

"I'm grabbing Catherine, I can't place her down. Anthony, please listen to your mother!" Blake said as he got near them.

I think Catherine was adorable and I did not only say that because I was her godmother or the fact that she was Nina's baby or also the simple fact that if I thought otherwise Nina would personally kill me, she thought as any mother would that her babies were the most beautiful babies ever.

Catherine had dark brown locks like Blake but she had deep blue eyes like Nina, she was very lovely and by the way she acted already at the short age of three I knew that one day she was going to be a heartbreaker, thing that worried Blake so much, he was aggravated since he knew that eventually his little girl would grow up and believe me so far I was more than convince that he was a very jealous father.

"What are you thinking about?" Ian asked me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and slightly kissed my neck.

I gave a small laugh.

"Not much, I was just thinking about what my mom once told me when I was around six or seven." I said.

"What did she told you?" He asked me.

"How she always imagined herself in this same spot surrounded by her grandchildren, by her family and even though she is not here alive right now I know that she really is here, I can feel her here. But what I found strange are her predictions, you see she told me that Andres would have two girls and he does, he never mention anything about Nina but I guess no one saw that coming even after they got married I thought they were going to wait but I know she is happy with Catherine, Anthony and of course with Blake, as for me-." I was cut of by a little girl's scream.

"Ariana baby, are you okay?" I asked her as I kneeled in front of her.

"I want to get in the water but Jacob doesn't let me!" Ariana whined as she pointed at her brother.

I looked at Jacob.

"Why don't you let your sister?" I asked him.

"She didn't listen to you mum, she didn't put that white thing on and she wants to go off with Kyle." Jacob said getting mad.

With a sigh, I looked at Ian who smiled at me.

After we had placed sun screen on Ariana, she and Jacob ran off to the lake where Andres, Maggie, Natalie and Kristen where.

"You were saying?" Ian asked me as he wrapped his arms around me again.

I smiled.

"My mum saw this, you know? She told me that I was going to have a baby boy with black hair and a blue eye just like Jacob has right now and a baby girl with blonde hair and brown eyes just like Ariana, though she never mentioned that they were going to be twins though." I said.

"So your mum had an idea that you and I were going to end up together?" He asked me.

"I think everyone knew; everyone except me." I said.

"How about Nicole did your mum ever mention her?" Ian asked me as he touched my stomach.

"I don't think my mum saw her coming, nobody did." I said.

Nicole was going to be due in two months, Ian and I got married a few months after he proposed to me and after touring a few years of touring around we both decided to slack off for a while in music and to have a family of our own, Ian and I had been married for almost eight years now and so far we had Jacob and Ariana who were both four years old and soon Nicole would join our family.

"Where is your dad?" Ian asked me.

I shrugged.

"I think he said that he would go with your dad to get some food for all of us." I said.

Ian and I sat down on my mum's spot for a while, the summer was perfect so far, I felt a small breeze and I was able to smell my mum's perfume.

I closed my eyes and smiled.

"I love you too mum." I whispered.

Ian grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers; I looked at our rings and smiled.

Then something caught my eye.

"Ian, look at that." I told him.

Ian looked up and saw what I was talking about, next to the small deck was Ariana with Kyle who was a great friend of Jacob and hers; they were very close since they were little and we had invited Kyle's family to spend the summer with us.

"What are they doing?" Ian asked me.

I smiled as Kyle gave Ariana a small flower and she kissed his cheek.

"Aren't they cute, they like each other, just look at that isn't it perfect?" I said with a smile.

"But they're still little." Ian said.

I looked at him.

"That never stopped you and me, remember?" I asked him.

Ian gave a small sight.

"I know Jacob will take care of her." Ian said.

I gave a small laugh.

"Don't tell me that you are a jealous father too?" I told him.

"I don't like when people get near my girls, why did both of them be so beautiful? Ariana looks just like you, it's your fault." Ian said as he glared at me.

I laughed.

"Well I beg your pardon, Mr. Valentine." I told him amused.

"Just because I'm a good person I will forgive you Mrs. Valentine." Ian said making me laugh more.

"I love you Sunshine." Ian said making me swoon, after eleven years of being together he could still make me feel as if this was a first time together.

"And I love you Brown Eyes." I said before I kissed him.

And right there, in that exact moment I knew that it was true what my mother had once told me, this place was magical but not because of the lake or anything like that, it was because of us, because of our love, somehow, we all had a small piece of heaven within our family.

Even if it sounds so corny I don't give a damn, this was my love story and it did a have a happily ever after...


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