Chapter 8: Dinner.

Start from the beginning

“My dad’s gonna take me to some places but I’ll try my hardest and I’ll come by afternoon and we’ll go for ice cream” He said smiling.

“It’s a date.” I winked before getting out of the car. I waved him goodbye and went inside my house as he drove away.

“I’m home!” I called out to no one in particular.

“Hey honey.” Mum called from the kitchen. She probably took a day off cause of dinner with the Tomlinson's, the other boys and Ellie tonight.  I entered the kitchen which was filled with aromas of things she were cooking making my mouth water.

 “How are you baby girl? I’m cooking dinner. Go get ready and freshen up. The guest will be here in a few hours.” Mum said stirring the vegetables in the pan.

“I’m fine mum. I’ll go now.” I smiled going towards my stair and into my room. I stripped down my clothes and showered for a good hour letting the warm water hit every part of my body and push the tiredness away. I changed into my blue jeggings and black and white stripped t-shirt. I brushed my hair and let them sun-dry as I sat/laid on my bed.


I woke up with my mum yelling my name out from the bottom of the stairs. I glanced at the the clock hung over the wall.

6.45, it said.

I sighed and made my way downstairs. I went in the kitchen to get a glass of water when I door bell rang. I could hair voices from the living room.

“She’s in the kitchen.” I heard my mum faint voice.

I gulped the rest of the water in the glass and turned around. Louis was leaning at the entrance of the kitchen. I smiled.

“Wacha doin’?” He asked making his way towards me.

“I just gulped down the water in the glass. What are you doing?”

“Nothing much, just coming forward to hug you.” He winked as he came forward to hug me, wrapping his arms around my waist and I rested my chin on his shoulder. We pulled away from each other and went into the living room. I greeted everyone and got a round of hello’s and hey’s.

Me and Lou went and sat by the couch at the love seat. I missed D. I wish he was here so he could talk to the boys and get to know them cause he couldn’t today cause of all the drama.


“So, where’s Dylan?” Ellie asked.

“Oh, he couldn’t come. He had to go with his dad somewhere for business.”

“Awh, I thought I would talk to him tonight.” Lou butted in.

“Maybe tomorrow, you can meet him. And please don’t give him the ‘you-hurt-her-I’ll-kill-you’ speech. He already knows.” I said sticking my tongue out to him.

“Aw, is Lil’ Dylan scared of Valerie’s best friend?” Lou cooed in a baby voice.

“Little? Phfft, he’s a man. A handsome, muscular one.” I grinned proudly.

 Before Lou could further tease me Liam asked, “So, how long have you been dating?”

“Um, it’s gonna be our three months this Saturday.” I smiled.

“Any special plans?” Harry wiggled his eyebrows.

“I don’t know.” I mumbled.

“Guys, dinner’s ready!” My mum called out.

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