Chapter 15: Goodbye.

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Hello. Two months, yeah I know, I suck. -_- College is stupid. I have such a busy schedule. Sorry.

Okay, I'm just gonna clear some things:

- This story is usually not edited. I write, I type, I post. I've been told there are mistakes cause I don't edit it so yeah, if any of  you wanna edit my story or know someone that can edit it, please lemme know.

- I write this story just because.. I started writing this story last summer caus I had nothing else to do. It 's just for fun. Also, if you find any mistake, please lemme know by PM-ing me or commenting below. Don't just go around posting everywhere that I can't write or I make mistakes. I appreciate the creative criticism not something rude.

- I may update slow. I have very busy schedule and my final A'levels will start in May and I have mocks in  March so yeah. I'm sorry, but I'll try to update whenever I can. :)

- Also, this is a boring and not so fun chapter. The characters might over-react too. So I'm sorry. I wrote this chapter during chaos. So bear with me. I'll make the next chapter even better! Promise. 

Last thing, thank you @ShiningStarrs for making this cover. It's pretty. :3


Much love. Xx

Chapter 15: Goodbye.

I woke up with my phone vibrating on my side table. I somehow didn’t feel grumpy this morning after a blissful sleep all night. I rolled to my side to grab my phone. One text Message: Dylan.

“Morning! Just texted to say, I love you.”

I smiled at the text. Dylan was just super cute sometimes. I replied with an “I love you, too”.

Since I had no plans for today as it was the start of my break, I decided to stay in my PJ's and Dad's old t-shirt. I went down after brushing my teeth, for breakfast. I could hear people talking quietly. I reached downstairs to see Louis sitting with my parents on the kitchen counter munching his toast.

“Morning!” I called out.

“The sleeping beauty's up?” Louis asked.

“No, still tucked in bed waiting for her prince charming to kiss her in order to wake her up.” I replied sarcastically.

Louis chuckled before passing me a glass of orange juice.

“What are you doing here? Where are the boys?” I asked curiously as I took a sip of my orange juice.

“The boys are pretty much sleeping. I came here to ask you if you wanted to come shopping consider we're going back to London, day after tomorrow.” He asked.

“Sure. When are you guys going?”

“Um, noon. You could bring Dylan along if you like. Niall's already asking Ellie. That boy is seriously progressing.” He told me and winked at the last past.

I chuckled and went to my room to get ready after saying yes to Lou.

I quickly texted D, checking if he was available, which he was. I got ready after texting him to meet at us at the mall.

Half an hour later, I was ready. I was wearing a red, blue and white plaided shirt with skinny jeans and boots. I didn't bother with make-up and made my way downstairs. I could hear different voices downstairs so I assumed all the boys were chatting with my parents.

“Finally, I thought you fell asleep, again.” Lou teased as I entered the living room.

“Har dee har har. You know I just took 20 minutes.” I gave him a flat look after looking at my wrist watch.

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