Chapter 11

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“No tired” he pouted his lips looking up at me, it was time for him to go to bed but he was just being so stubborn about it.

“Ashton you have to go to bed, if you don’t Noie will be really sad” I started to fake cry covering my face but he moved my fingers looking at my eyes with a smile, “Ready bed” looks like I won!!!

After I put him to bed I sat on the couch and looked at the clock which read that it was 10:30, and Lia wasn’t even brought home yet, “maybe some TV should kill some time happily the first thing that popped up was Full House…when I was little and watched the show I always had a crush on uncle Jessie and I wanted my family to be like full house and be full of people that we couldn’t live without but after I was born I found out that my mom wasn’t able to have any more children and but she really didn’t wanna have any more kids she was just happy with little old me.

I started to feel like I was losing track of time and was feeling tired thanks to Dallas I really haven’t had any time to sleep with her little midnight fun, now that I do think about it if I did move in with Dean at least I could get more sleep and be with someone who cares about me and asks me about my day..may sound a bit like an old romantic but that’s all I really wanted in a guy.

“Hello??” the door opened, well they are home early. I turned looking back at the door seeing that Louis was holding Lia and she was whimpering but she was sleeping.

“Sounds like someone missed you guys” he stepped in handing her to me and I cradled her closely looking at her rosy cheeks and her long lashes caressing her cheeks, this girl was a living doll.

“Actually she is sick and grandma tried to take care of her but she couldn’t calm her down and so she called us and told us, here we are”

“I’m so sorry that your guys’ date night didn’t work out that well, but maybe after this little princess gets better you and Kat can go out again and I can babysit” his eyes landed on me with a smile of appreciation.

“Thanks Noe, we really appreciate it. You really are a good friend” I nodded and looked back at the door seeing a tired Katerina walking in.

“Well Noe how was our boy?”

“Kitty he was just perfect, just like his father” her eyes got big and she looked like she was getting in a defensive mode.

“Ok are you hitting on my fiancé or my son??”

“Ohhh I don’t know both” Lou and I started to chuckle but I stopped giving her a hug, “I’m just joking with you my Kit Kat!”

She looked down at her little bundle of joy in my arms scooping her up and cuddled her, “Thanks for your help Noel, go home get sleep you have class tomorrow”

I left the room telling them bye, it was really to bad that they couldn’t go out on their date without interrupts even if they are cute I don’t think I could have kids for a while. I looked up at the apartment building seeing that our lights were still on and shadows of movement it was Harry and Dallas kissing, he was a liar he did like her he wasn’t just pretending why would he lie to me if he does have feelings for someone good for him he should have someone equally good for him. Poor Dean has to listen to their sex, something that makes me feel sick every night.

The door was cracked open a little too where I could hear them murmuring, where they having sex in the living room? “It’s ok we just need to keep this a secret” her voice whispered, nope she is not going to do it on my couch.

“Hey-” opening the door seeing them sitting on the couch but he didn’t have curly hair..he had straight. He turned to me making my hands shake dropping my bag looking at her but her hair wasn’t brown anymore it was blonde.

Harry was standing in front of me looking back I felt overwhelmed, “Dean??” he stood up I seen that his shirt was off and he was all sweaty and she..she was in my robe and her hair was..was my hair!!!

*Flashback over*

“Hey Noel I hope you don’t mind I couldn’t find my robe so I borrowed yours” she smirked standing up twirling around, “What do you think? I like this color on me much better” I couldn’t speak I just stood there feeling the room spin.

“Dallas what the hell?!” Harrys voice boomed and his expression was anger and I could read it clear.

“Come on Harry I thought you would like it, you like it right Dean?” she smirked moving her robe a bit to show some cleavage.

“Noel it’s not what it looks like-”

“Did you sleep with her??” his hands reached for me but I pulled away, “did you?”

“Noel I..I thought it was you!” as he tried to form his words she interrupted.

“That explains why you were screaming her name” I pushed him away looking at everyone in the room.

“I’m done with you Dean!!” he walked closer to me but I just screamed and he was stopped by Harry, “She’s done with you, you piece of shit!!!” he punched his face leaving blood on his knuckles.

I staggered back into the hallway out of the apartment starting to run a bit slower than usual but I pushed myself but stopped by the bathroom in the lobby looking into the mirror.. for the first time in a while I didn’t feel like crying again I felt like I’m… learning from heartbreak.

“Noel??” the door was knocked on softly.

“Go away” sitting on the toilet seat looking at the ceiling, I felt all my emotions colliding together and I wasn’t in control.

“Come on I hit him, the least you could do is let me in” should I let him in? for the first time this isn’t his fault.

“This brings back memories doesn’t it?” I could feeling him trying to lighten the mood and I laughed lightly.

“Yeah it does.. but you’re not that nerdy boy anymore” standing up placing my hand on the door.

“..and you’re not the shy girl anymore” I couldn’t breathe my heart jumped into my throat thinking of how much I wanted to keep myself shielded from anyone not wanting them to know about me or my troubled past, “that’s one of the things that pulled me to you…let me in”

Question of the day, why do you think that Dallas died her hair and slept with Dean?? Was it to get back at Noel? Was it to get back at Harry? Was she jealous?

Find out in the next Chapter!!!


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