Chapter 19

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I knew I couldn't stay here I mean, Harry and I aren't even compatible we fight to much and he doesn't feel the same... maybe he only wants me to stay so he has someone trapped.
" I don't know Kaylee.." I laid down staring at the ceiling wondering what I should do... all I know is that I needed to go home for a bit and talk to my dad, since I missed thanksgiving. Mr.Willson understood that I couldn't go cuz I had to figure everything out that was going on.

"Well not to be mean, but if we are going to move in soon we need to find a place soon"

"Ok... for now I guess...." I can't stay here that would make everything more difficult on me and I half to catch back on school, been really distracted by all the drama. ".. we need to find a place"

Harry's POV

I starred up at the wall replaying the words I said in my head to Noel, 'Noel you could have talked to me instead of that woman coming over to pick you up off of your ass!!!'
I couldn't get myself to close my eyes because the look on her face made me shake with anger.

Standing up I looked at the mirror and looked myself up and down but nothing was changing since I left and moved back home. I sighed opening my bedroom door and walked down the hall to go get something to drink when I heard crying inside of the room that Noel was in so I peeked in and seen her sleeping but curled up in a ball holding herself. Why was I so fucking messed up in the head, why did I tare Noel from her perfect life into my shitty place called life.

I walked away from the door and went over to grab my coat and boots, maybe a walk will cool me off.

I can't believe I'm doing this but I need to forget everything that happened just for a little bit... I sat at the bar downing my fourth shot and grabbed my beer placing it against my lips and heard a girl giggling in a booth in the corner sitting on someone's lap, I hate it when people go out in the public and be romantic.. makes me fricken sick to my stomach. But it reminded me of when Noel use to come to my apartment and we would be silly romantic like that... that's when we both left the world and were in our own little personal fantasy where we were the main characters and no one else mattered or existed.

"Stop that tickles" she squealed pushing against his chest as he kept attacking her neck with his lips biting playfully, I swear to god if I hear her squeal one more fucking time I will go mad.. it was that annoying.

"Gosh Noel you're so adorable" he laughed lightly, the bottle broke in my hands as I turned looking back. Was he with MY Noel????

"Wait what??" she shoved him standing up slapping him across his face, "my name is Kelly you dick" she walked away from him, I have to admit her hair was like Noel's color but she looked and sounded nothing like her.

"Babe come back I'm sorry" he turned stumbling out of the booth and I noticed his apple colored eyes and his fucking light brown hair.. Dean.

She turned around as she got to the door giving him the finger tears filling her eyes, "Fuck you Dean" and then she stormed out.

Did he really compare her to Noel? They were nothing alike; Noel was prettier with her beautiful golden hair and her blue sometimes green eyes depending on what type of mood she was in each day.
The way she laughed would make your heart stop like it was debating that she was even real.. when her nose crinkles when she laughs so hard, and when she would smile a few dimples would show through and I would point them out making her turn rosy in the cheeks... but mostly the way when we fight when she yells at me and her eyes never leaving mine trying to prove she was always going to win the battle but I would always fuck it up and say stuff I didn't mean to say.. that would hurt her.

"Babe come on" he walked to the door sorta chasing her when he noticed a girl sitting in a booth with her friends and shot her a wink... that fricken dick.

When he walked out the door I knew what I had to do... I had to make Dean pay back for all the pain he caused girls and Noel.

It was pouring rain when I walked down the side walk following him and he grabbed his stomach running into the alley, when I turned the corner I seen him hunched over puking his guts out and then wipe his lips with the back of his hand.

"Hey Fuck face" I called as he raised his head looking at me with a white face that turned into one of those silly drunken grins.

"Harry my boy, how are you???" he said chipper placing his hand on the wall to keep balance but the slippery wall made him fall, to my advantage.

"You fucked up Dean" I laughed cracking my knuckles keeping an unyielding look towards him, "first you fuck with Noel by fucking her roommate in her own apartment, when you knew she was trouble" I picked him up by his flimsy collar and he reeked of all sorts of alcohol.

"You know I wouldn't do nothing that you haven't already done Harry" he spit in my face and I threw him harshly down on the ground hearing his wrist pop when he tried to catch himself and he screamed.

"I didn't sleep with her whore of a roommate when I was with her, now did I"

He rolled on his back laughing hysterically holding his broken wrist, "Hey one out of the two isn't that bad" more anger rose in my face as he kept speaking, "and besides didn't you lie to her about dating a girl that you worked with and hid stuff from her all the time"


"I'm not finished Styles, she opened up to you and you pushed her away hiding your true thought's.. if anyone here is in trouble it's you; you're a fucking psycho Harry and soon Noel will see that and come crawling back to me"

The next thing I remember is that I was at home washing my hands that were covered in blood and my skin broke... the bad thing is when I was done with him I couldn't hear him breathing, did I kill a man??

Question of the day,

Who do you love more Nerdy Harry or Psycho Harry???

(Happy Day Late Birthday Harry Styles)


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