Chapter 6

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“I’m back” his body was pushed up against mine as he held my hips, but her voice made me jump and push him away.

“Harry where are you babe, I found this outfit you will love!!!” he stood there with his hand on his mouth.

“That was different” I left him standing there and seeing Dallas standing there in a short dress that barely covered her ass and her brown hair put up in a tight bun.

“Hey Koel”

“Its Noel, Dallas where were you??” she pulled out a box and opened it, there was like a leather sex suit.

“Do you think he will love this or what??”

“Sure” she looked at my hand and then back at me.

“What happened here?” I walked to grab another cup as she leaned over the counter.

“Come on tell me”

“I dropped a cup” I smiled looking outside at the fall air, remembering what I forgot.

“Shit I’ve got school” running to the door, “Where are you going Noe?” he stepped out greeting Dallas with a kiss, braking me a little inside.

“Going to school, can I have my phone?” he walked over handing it to me but he held my arm looking me in the eyes.

“I guess I’ll see you later Noe” I nodded turning around abruptly leaving the room.

________                _______

“Hey Noel” Dean greeted me with a kiss on the cheek taking my hand in his, “how was your night?”

“Good good, I got a new roommate”

“Is she nice??” nice in bed probably.

“She’s…. ok I guess” his smile would usually make me smile…but I feel really guilty.

“Holy shit what happened to your hand???”

“I dropped a cup this morning” I could see a bit of blood that seeped through, his feature softened.

“Did you go to the hospital to get stitches?? Why didn’t you call me I would have taken you” he took his sweater off and gave it to me.

“What’s this for?”

“You just look so cold, you’ve been shivering since you came here” he zipped up the sweater pulling me closer to him.

“So tonight do you wanna have a movie night?” his arms draped around me his eyes marked me.

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