Chapter 3

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I wanted to toss that alarm out the window, but the last time I did that to one of my alarms it broke and smashed the wall. God staying in bed sounded so good today, but no I have to get up gotta make myself get up even if that means loss of sleep… cause god knows I didn’t get any last night.

I love you Noel’

I shook out of it and looked all about my room, that must have been in my head, yeah it’s just lack of sleep nothing else.

‘I can’t live without you’

Grabbing my toothbrush and running it under the sink then looked back up in the mirror seeing him in his sweater vest with his glasses when I first met him, he was standing in front of me.

Noel I’m your tutor’  I threw my toothbrush at the mirror and sat on my toilet, get out of my head.

“Noel???” I screamed as the figure stepped in the room.

“get out of here!!!” I pushed the person down and ran out of the room panting till I fell down.

“What is your problem?!”  I looked back up and laughed but she just stood there pissed.

“Sorry Kat I didn’t mean to hit you”

“Of course you are” I stood back up thinking one thing, am I going crazy??

“Why did you tell me to get out of here?” she looked over to the door and then back at me.

“Is someone in the house?”

“No no ones in the house I was just day dreaming” day dreaming?

“Well ok.. oh my god what are you going to wear tonight to your date with Dean??” I cant believe that I forgot about the date.

“I really have no clue yet” I walked past her and sat on my bed watching her make her way towards the closet scanning threw it, but I already knew I didn’t have anything to wear.

“God damn it, I’m taking you shopping” I shook my bed head and laid back under the covers, but only to have her join me.

“Come on join me I wanna take you shopping” I tossed a pillow in her face and turned over but she licked my arm.

“EWWW don’t that’s sick” can’t I just have my date in bed??

“Can’t I just have a date with him in bed” the look on her face was priceless, she just takes things so nasty.

“Not like that, oh and where are the little devils”

“At home with Lou so far they are having a tea party best part is that they put Louis in a dress and his hair up” I turned back to her and laughed.

“No fricken way” she pulled out her phone and showed me her lock screen, he was in a frilly dress and his hair in pig tails and he was holding both Ashton and Lia who were giggling till they were red in the cheeks.

“Hello?” there was a knock at the door and we both jumped up and walked to the door.

“Who is it?”

“Who do you think it is, it’s your landlord” I unlocked the door with each bolt leaving a click.

“Hey” her red curly hair was mad and her brown eyes popped out with the help of her glasses.

“Hey, I need to tell you something”

This has been the first time in a while since I have talked to my landlord the only time I really did was when I bought the apartment, “Go ahead”.

“Um in your contract for your apartment I realized that you’re supposed to be paying twice as more than you are already because you have a two bedroom apartment, so umm how do I say this… you either pay more or you get a roommate.”

A roommate? “Um ok well what happens if I can’t pay anymore and I can’t find a roommate?” she was trying to be nice, I knew she was I could tell she was showing sympathy but she was also doing her job.

“Well I find you a roommate someone with the same quality’s as you and a lot in common you wouldn’t have to worry, but you have a week”

“Noel you can come live with me again if you want” Kat intervened but it was time to grow up and live on my own.

“No Kat I’m fine, and besides you have your baby’s to worry about” I looked back at the landlord and smiled.

“Thank you I’ll do my best and if I can’t do anything in a week you warned me”

“Thanks I didn’t want to be a bitchy landlord” I smiled and waved bye closing the door.

“Someone gets to go roommate shopping” I shoved her on the couch making her giggle but I sat at the table thinking…what roommate would love to live with me.

“Jesus Kitty you need to help me please” placing my palms on the counter tracing the streaks of the wood.

“Why don’t you ask Dean to move in, ohhh wait that’s right you wouldn’t be able to leave the bedroom” her phone went off and she pulled it out of her pocket.

“Louis? I told him I would be home soon” she answered it putting it on speaker and in the background I could hear one of the babies crying making my throat quiver making me want to cry.


“Katerina I need you to come home please I don’t know what to do” the crying got louder and Lou was trying to sooth them with a little song but that failed.

“Louis Tomlinson what happened?”

“Lia was dancing around the coffee table and Ashton ran in front of her making her fall forward and hit her head on the table, now she won’t stop crying”

“Put her on the phone” i could hear him trying to get Lia on the phone but she only cryed louder.


“Baby mama will be home soon just wait ok, I’ll give you big kiss’” I nodded her to the door, her baby needed her more than I did… I wish my mom was still alive.

As she left the room I scanned my closet and found a Def Lepperd shirt and skinny jeans, since no one’s here to make my choice I get to make my choice.

______________                         ______________

“Nice shirt babe” I blushed as I combed my hair to the side adjusting my glasses.

“Thanks you don’t look so bad yourself” his black shirt clinged to him and he was wearing dark sunglasses he was just so enchanting in his own way.

“So what do you wanna do?”

“I don’t know what do you wanna do?” he smiled rubbing his head with the slightest grin.

“I wanna have a fun time with ya” he grabbed my hands leading me out of the house into the streets of Cheshire.

“So tell me about you have you gone on dates with lots of guys?”

“No I just dated this one guy he was nice” his smile faded a little and he looked down at his boots then back at me.

“Was he good to you?”

“You know what lets talk about something else I just wanna have a good time” i reached and grabbed his hand leading him toward a theater.

Ok I have an announcement, who ever is able to make a good cover for this book or makes a trailer for this book or the first will be featured in any of my books they choose. the winner for this that I choose from send me a message and I'll give you the details you back on if you won or not and ask for details you want in your character :) and WINS A SHOUTOUT!!!!! and you have to do one of these to win you cant just message me saying you did, and im telling the truth about putting someone in a story and giving a shoutout. Goodluck!!!


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