Taylor giggled. "I'll just put it this way: his hair is as soft as skin, and his skin is so baby soft."

The whole group erupted into jealous sighs as this.

"Aw, I'm sorry girls. It's too bad none of you will find out for yourself, because he's mine," Taylor shrugged.

I rolled my eyes. Okay. Maybe this wasn't a step up from the juniors group. At least in that group I could find one or two tolerable girls to hang out with until the game was over. Unless there was some other stupid thing having to do with jerseys.

The players took the field, and after the toss, the game started.

My eyes started to droop.

Don't get me wrong, football is a great sport and all, it's just not fun to watch when you are exhausted and not sure if you can mentally make it through hormone crazy senior girls.

But I tried to power through it.

I mean, I really tried.

For a solid hour, at least.

And then everything went downhill.

Taylor cleared her throat. "Ahem, GG, I think we have some unwanted juniors. Care to explain, girls?"

I turned my tired head to where Taylor was looking. And of course it was none other than Maddie and McKenzie that were standing there. Both were being swallowed by their boyfriends' jerseys and wore scowls to match the bulldogs fierce look on the upper left corner of the jersey. They had botched up the look of trying to tie the jersey back, and just looked like awkward freshmen.

But right now they were juniors, and I was a junior, yet they were the ones in trouble.

GG crossed her arms over her chest. "Can I help you?" She asked sourly.

Maddie and McKenzie glared, at me. "We need to speak with Alexa," Maddie said. "It's important."

GG turned her head towards me. "Alexa, hon, we can get rid of these little wannabes if you'd like. Just say the word."

I pursed my lips. "It's okay, Gee. I was getting thirsty anyways." I got up, much to the dismay of the other girls who were wanting to feed off my own popularity with their queens. I looked at the two girls seriously. "This better be good."

They didn't say a word. Not when I had joined them on the stairs, followed them through the sea of students to the back of the stadium, and sat across from them in the bleachers behind the scoreboard that overlooked the rest of the athletic complex.

I glanced at the sunset, whose warm golden beams were bathing me, and helping me find good spirits, if only they'd stay. What did they want? Hopefully not forgiveness, because that was a long time coming for them. 

Maddie sighed. "Alexa, we're probably the last ones you want to hear from, or hear this from, but I promise we say this truthfully and good heartedly."

McKenzie nodded in agreement. "Yes," she said, "we are just looking out for you. Promise!"

I scowled. "Is this about my stupid 'high school career being ruined if I keep dating the rival school's quarterback'? If so, please tell me now so I can leave and try and forget you even brought it up."

"Yes, it's about Blake, but we aren't taking about your relationship's affect. We are talking about you."

"Get to the point."

"We have moved on, and this time, I promise, we are here to support you."

"Famous words of the last time I went through this," I said bitterly.

"Well, forgive us for being shocked out of our jimmy choos," McKenzie protested, "but how we were supposed to expect that you were hiding such a big secret—Blake!"

"A hot secret," I mumbled.

"Looks are irrelevant," Maddie interrupted. "Here's the answer, Alexa. We have decided, but only for you, to give our advice on this relationship not in the interests of the school, but on your behalf. And we did. We've talked with sources, and thought it over extensively."

I frowned. "Thought what over?"

"Wether to tell you that Blake is not your fish in this sea," McKenzie smiled ignorantly.

I glared at the both of them, the traitorous backstabbers. Not my fish in the sea? First, what the hell, and second, how dare they. Refusing to hear another crazy and selfish thing they had to say, I abruptly stood up from my seat and attempted to march to the exit out of the little nook.

Key word: exit. Something had grabbed hold of my wrist, and they were holding on tight.

"Let me go," I grit out at Maddie. Her grip only tightened and I suddenly remembered that when she was younger, Maddie was a child tennis star, so her grip strength was unbeatable.


For now.

"Just hear us out," Maddie insisted.

I scowled. "Fine. Whatever. Okay! I promise I won't run. Just, please, let go of my wrist before I lose circulation."

Maddie did so, and I quickly snatched back my wrist to examine the damage. Bruising seemed unavoidable, which only made me more irritated because the scars from my pony tail holders were finally starting to go away.

Maddie brought back my attention with a quick rap of a stick on the rock I was sitting on. I looked up, but mostly to tell her to find a different method to her me to listen. She ignored this. "Look, Alexa, we have heard about stuff that has gone on in Brentwood over the years. Bad stuff. Stuff that involves Blake."

"Yeah, he's a player!" McKenzie blurted out. "The guys have competitions to see who can bed the most girls at a party, and he always wins."

That did not sound like the committed Blake that I knew.

I eyed the both of them suspiciously. "Was this when he was dating Reagan, or that girl...ah! Lillian? There's a difference between mutually no strings attached and then cheating on a real relationship."

"We know. He's done both."


"Oh yes."

"And who did he cheat on?"


I drummed my fingers against the rock. If he had cheated on Reagan, then why was she so desperate to get back at him.

Their stories weren't adding up, which made me more and more completely tired and done with their shit and whatever game they were trying to play with me.

I liked Blake. He was genuine. So there was no way in hell that I was going to let these birches who couldn't seem to make up their minds about anything change or ruin us. Definitely, definitely not.

I got up and stormed out, and this fine Maddie only protested, but she did not try to physically keep me there. I hoped she knew that she had gone too far, and the more they tried, the farther this friendship was beyond repairing.

Suddenly someone caught a hold of my jersey, and they yanked me backwards into the shadows of the scoreboard.

I opened my mouth to scream.

Oh wow! It's amazing how you can go from maybe 60 words just to get something going to a 2500 word chapter with so many new scenes you think to include, but then you are getting close to way too long, so you actually have to have the chapter continued. It's exciting. My next chapter is already planned out!

Thank you all so much for the support! I hope we can only keep going upward from here. It's one in the morning right now, but wherever you are, I hope you have an amazing day.

Also I'm almost done with school. So, as I think about that I realize that it's just all around an exciting day for me. And it's not even Friday (well technically it is)!

Keep reading, commenting, and please VOTE!!!

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