Chapter Nine: Jen and Calvin Are What?

Start from the beginning

I somewhat love this paragraph. It makes me sound badass. The only part I don't like is Selcouth's 'taking a liking to me' part. I sigh and throw the paper at Calvin who is watching TV.

"You should have told me Shakira! You sound badass. Way to be sis!" Calvin congratulates.

I smile a bit and nod.

"I'm telling dad about this when he gets back from his business trip." Calvin informs.

"When's he coming back?" I ask.

"Wednesday." Calvin replies before focusing on his TV show once again. I sigh and walk outside out of boredom.

I sit on the deck and stare blankly at the street.

What to do, what to do.

Out of no where, I see Selcouth and Luminescent walking down my street talking to each other. The cold is starting to nip at my bare toes.

I look at them curiously, they seem to be a some kind of disagreement, but I can't hear them. Finally, Selcouth spots me and shuts himself up, he nudges Luminescent to shut up too.

I raise an eyebrow and they walk over.

"So, did you get the files?" Luminescent asks, standing on my porch, Selcouth by his side. I narrow my eyes before opening the door and gesturing for them to come in.

They look at each other before stepping into my house.

Calvin, who is getting up from his TV show stares at the two incredulously.

"Damn, Shakira you're popular in New York now." Calvin observes.

"Just go out or something so I can talk to these two." I sigh.

"And you're going after supers." Calvin whistles

"You wanna go?" I ask, holding up my fists.

"Come at me sista." Calvin smirks.

I do one big roundhouse kick which sends him stumbling to the floor. I laugh at his surprised expression.

"Karate pays off." I wink at Calvin before helping him up and pushing him towards the door. "Go out with your imaginary girlfriend or something." I say.

Calvin rolls his eyes. "I'm a single pringle, so not gonna mingle." He winks.

"Oh my gosh just go clubbing or something and leave me alone." I groan.

"Love you too Shakira." Calvin snorts, pulling on his shoes, grabbing his keys and leaving.

"Finally the devil is gone!" I praise. "Make yourselves at home. I'll go grab the files."

I run upstairs and pick up the files. I purposefully take out Selcouth's and Luminescents, folding them and placing them in the back pocket of my jeans. If they want their own files, they better pay up.

I skip back downstairs, toss them the file and move to the kitchen where I pull out a box of cookies. Chips Ahoy chocolate chip cookies to be exact.

I bring the whole thing into the living room and begin to munch on one while watching Luminescent and Selcouth crowd around the files they had spread out.

Only a few more recent files had be spread out.

"Although we aren't looking for our own files, where are they?" Selcouth asks.

"Since when did you two work together?" I snort.

"Where are our files?" Luminescent asks.

I pull the two folded up files from my pocket and wave them in the air. I decide to read them aloud.

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