CH 46: Crazy Assumptions & Trust Issues

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The warm cup of coffee between my hands, still couldn't take away the constant numbness I was experiencing. The sickly hospital smell didn't make it any better. It was nearly 8:00 pm, the cheerleaders lounged around the waiting area, all huddled and talking in hushed whispers. A few of the football guys held bouquets and Ian sat amongst them too with a giant stuffed Panda in his lap. I wasn't in the mood of asking why. They chattered noisily but all I could hear was the rythmatic ticking of the clock. I was so anxious to know what Abbie might have wanted to show or tell me. If it was connected to my stalker, maybe this was his way of keeping her quiet.

"God, I hope she's okay," Jay planted herself in the seat next to me placing her hand in mine.

"What'd your mom say?" I suppressed a yawn, stretching my legs and slouching in the seat. I was absolutely exhausted.

"Not much...but from the looks of it she has more news," Jay stood up abruptly, so did everyone else.

Glancing up I saw Aunty Marie approaching us with a clipboard in hand and the usual bags around her eyes, giving us a tight lipped smile.

"Abbie's stable, there's no need to worry. She only suffered from a slight concussion along with a few scratches and bruises but we'd like to keep her overnight for observations," Aunt Marie informed us all.

"Normally it's meant to be family members only. I've called her parents, they're on a flight back but they've given permission for her friends to visit her. Although do make it short. One group at a time so as not to crowd her," Aunty Marie warned, going towards her room with the white coat flapping from behind.

The cheerleaders without hesitation entered, there was lots of crying and giggling, probably from Abbie making snarky comments. Then was the boys from the football team who brought bouquets seeing as how it was appropriate since almost each of them had dated her.

The last group was Jay, Ian, Lia, Marcus and I.

"Holy hell," Marcus mumbled upon seeing the scratches on Abbie's face with trails of bruises on her arm. Lia nudged him roughly, all the girls giving death stares.

Way to bring in the negativity dude.

"Is it really that bad?" Abbie cringed, weakly leaning up from her bed, Jay assisted by fluffing her pillows behind her back.

Me and Lia exchanged quick glances. "Pft! No......" We both drawled, the pitch of our voices getting higher.

"You're both terrible liars," she said dryly.

"Nothing a little highlight and that brown mud thing can't fix," Ian spoke up joining us near her bedside, placing the giant panda on her lap.

"He means foundation. Not actual mud." Jay face palmed herself explaining slowly to Marcus who stared at us with his squinted and confused blue eyes.

Abbie's resting face broke out into a wide smile that I truthfully hadn't seen in a while.

"Okay. I'm not gonna lie, this was super cheesy," Abbie picked up the huge fluffy panda, stifling a laugh. "...cheesy but thoughtful," she passed Ian a soft smile, her eyes sparkling.

Now, try and imagine the rest of us reacting to this cute yet cringy interaction.

Like, since when did these two spend enough time together to develop personal jokes?! Yeah, none of us knew what the whole panda propaganda was about.

"Abbie," Marcus grew serious, "...who do you think would've wanted to hurt you?"

She replied with a scared, piercing gaze. "Not me. They wanted to hurt Shay."

They each glanced at me silently. I already knew that.

"Well the good news is they failed," Jay piped up, clutching Abbie's hand tightly.

Meanwhile, Marcus was playing with Abbie's drip machine making her yell at him in her croaky voice. A few jokes later, Aunt Marie popped her head in telling us it was time to wrap things up.

Each of us hugged her goodbye, with her and Ian's lingering a little longer. Could there be potential there for me to play cupid? Hmm.

Bending down, she grabbed my wrist. "I didn't wanna say this in front of the others because I don't know who we can trust," she whispered slowly.

"You wanted to tell me something, in the car, before all this went down?" I began to fill in the blanks.

She nodded, squinting her eyes painfully. "He's extremely have to stay away. Ryder is the person behind your attacks."

It was as if those words, had slowed down the motion of time.

"No, that's ridiculous," I brushed it off coolly. Not even taking a second to doubt him. "He would never, it doesn't even make sense," I rolled my eyes.

She gazed at me sympathetically. "I knew you'd say that and you wouldn't believe me."

She slid my phone out of my hand,"Call this number for proof. The surveillance guy will send you the tapes from the mall a few nights ago. If you want answers, you know what to do," she squeezed my hand, leaned back into the pillow,closing her eyes from exhaustion.

I backed out of the room, more doubtful and inquisitive.

"You okay?" Ian asked, noticing my distracted self. I nodded my head,plastering an assured smile.

Days passed. Me and Ryder hadn't spoken. Abbie was out of the hospital but was still recovering at her home. There had not been any recent threats from my stalker which made me even more aware because I never knew when he could strike again.

It was a lazy Saturday evening and I spent the day cooped up in the house curled up near my window thinking about what Abbie told me. I couldn't get it off my mind. It just didn't add up. I'd alienated Ryder so I couldn't ask about the swirling questions.

Yeah you could, if you just swallow your pride, my self conscious pointed out.

No, I wasn't caving in just yet.

Several minutes later, the number Abbie gave me, sent an attachment of videos.

I was beginning to regret even going ahead with this but curiosity got the best of me and I desperately needed answers.

Although I wasn't prepared for what I had to witness when I pressed play.

The Risk To Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें