1. Mr. Wonder

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Ugh. How much I hate this sound. The sound of my awful alarm that is ringing every schoolday at 06:30. I haven't slept well this night because I stayed up too late. I just couldn't stop drawing so I lost the time.

5 more minutes. Thats all I ask for!
I turned around and shut down the alarm by putting a pillow over it. It stopped and I began to drift into sleep again.
I don't know how long I slept after that I heard a knock on my door woke me up.

"Ryan! Why are you still sleeping? Its 07:30! C'mon! wake up!", I heard my mother yell from the ouside.
Why ist she yelling? Its 07:30 so I have enough time to get ready.
I wanted to go to sleep again but than I realised what time it actually is.

School starts at 08:00 and it is 20 minutes away from here.

I jumped out of my bed and nearly fell over the acrylicbottles lying in the floor from last night.

"Fuck!", I whispered when I couldn't find my favourite The Beatles shirt. For the record, I am obsessed with the beatles.
While I was looking for it I began to take on my black skinny jeans. The half of my jeans are black to be honest.
I finally found the shirt I was looking for under my bed. My room is a mess but fortunatly I had a good consept in it only I understood.

I packed my books and a block in my back and hurrried down the stairs to grab a toast while I was doing my hair. I looked like crap right now but I honestly don't give a shit. With a toast in my mouth I said goodbye to my mum and run to my car. It was an old one I got from my father for my 16th birthday.

When I was in my car I sighed in relief and drove faster than normal to my school hoping the police wouldn't caught me for driving to fast.
I parked at the school parking lot and took a look at my clock.



Now I just had to hurry to my class but what do I have now? I groaned in frustration and pulled my phone out to look at my schedule. Fortunately I took a picture if it just in case.


Great. I hate our English teacher. Dr. Foust. Dr. Foust was the most annoying teacher of the school and you don't wanna mess with him. Once a girl in my class came late. Just 5 minutes and she had detention and an extra homework after that. What a shame because English is one of my favourite subjects. I love writing and storys, poetry, literature but grammatic is just so boring.

So I had to run because the class was on the 4th floor. I ran through a few students that were like me in a hurry or just don't go to the first class. Or the second. They just chill. I think you get what I mean?

I nearly trapped over the steps because I took two at once. I don't really wanted to know what I looked like in that moment. Probably like an idiot.

Finally I found myself in the 4th floor and let a breath of relief out before I couldn't find my class in front of the room.


I was to late.

I stepped to the door and laid my ear on it to hear if my class is still loud. That would mean the teacher hasn't started the class yet so I could easily get in and nobody would notice me coming late.

I heard footsteps and a sophomore looked at me like a was crazy. It probably looked a little bit weird me leaning against a door with my ear but I just rolled my eyes and listened. The student went away after that.

Unfortunately I couldn't hear a single noise coming from the room behind the door except for the teacher saying something about homework.
His voice was always so loud that I was happy not sitting in front of the teacher. I would probably become deaf.

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