Chapter 56

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AN - only another chater or two, then the epilogue and it will be over! but I will be putting a little excert of the next book up after the epilogue! Az x

Chapter 56

Hamish had Aonghus take Sheena and make sure she was cared for. The shock had not left her, and she was in a state in between this world and the next. Unseeing of this world, but still physically linked with it. Fyfa had refused the care he wanted to give her, stating that if he would not be with her, then she would be wherever he was, and if he wanted to test that theory then he was more than welcome to try it. For whoever he had to guard her, would soon find that she was cleverer than they were. She had said all of this with a serene smile upon her face, and the light from the fire casting golden tones upon her pale skin, and setting her hair ablaze with hidden strands of gold that made her hair look as if it moved with its own inner fire.

He had to admit, the imagery was nothing he was ever used to thinking, and the only answer he could think of as to why he was suddenly thinking these things, was the fact that Fyfa was with him once more, and he could finally see in glorious multicolour once more. And that was how he had somehow been convinced to allow her to stand with him as he addressed the gathered clan. The majority had not been abed even at this late hour, not with Artair and Kendrick causing mayhem from the other side of the gates. The only concession Fyfa had made was that she would not move from his side the entire time, unless he gave specific instructions for her to do so. With that same infuriating and beguiling smile she had acquiesced to his demands, and given him as soft kiss to his cheek as she had led the way to the door that led to the lower bailey.

As he looked out over the clan gathered, he could see that they would have a long journey ahead of them. Most wore little more than rags, but he could tell from the way they tugged on them, mothers trying to comb unruly hair of their bairns as he looked over them all, that at the direction to come here for an announcement they had donned their best. His heart cracked over the utter pain he could see in the very stances they held. Most were no more than skin and bone, the worst to see in this position were the bairn’s at the front of the crowd, no one had claimed them as their own, and no one was looking out for them, as the mothers did for the other bairns in the gathered crowd. He made a mental note that he would ask as to their welfare as soon as he was done here.

He waited half way up the stone steps, the only solid structure in this crumbling Keep it seemed. Fyfa by his side, and Kendrick to his left holding Janetta in a tight grip. Her head was bowed, but he knew it was an act to try and look submissive and repentant before the people who would decide her fate. Artair was the one he currently waited for, having sent him and a contingent of men to the dungeon to release the poor souls that had been trapped there for God only knew how long. The silence in the crowd was deafening. If this had been the MacKay’s they would have chatted and gossiped amongst themselves, some trying to work out the reason for the gathering, others just wanting to catch up with those they had not managed to see for a few days due to their work load. Here they all either looked upon their own feet, or gazed upon him with feat etched upon their pallid expressions.

Fyfa reached out and grasped Hamish’s hand, his calloused palms and fingertips abrasive against her soft skin, but so comforting to feel once again. She had almost cried with relief when he had entered the Main Hall, the blade against her throat the only thing between her and the man who held her heart so close it was practically beating within his chest. He gave her the strength she needed, the courage to carry on even in the darkest pits of hell. She could not recall fully what had happened, only knew that blur of action which had left Grant gasping like a landed fish upon the floor, had allowed her once more to be safely ensconced in Hamish’s bear like embrace, and it was the best feeling she had ever felt. Knowing her and their bairn would be protected and sheltered from this moment on. Grant could not harm them again.

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