Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

She was everywhere. Everywhere Fyfa went, or even if she stayed in the cottage, she was there. Knocking on the door, asking for something or other, constantly searching out Hamish with her eyes, and trying to be as close to him as possible. And Fyfa, while never a violent person, was considering the best way to keep her away from Hamish. For good.

Shaking her head, she looked over to the opposite side of the main room, where Hamish was trying to lean as far away as possible from Janetta. She had come around about an hour ago, just as the sun was setting in a glorious colour show over the thunderous ocean. Bringing with her the meal that she had promised Ida a few days before. Not that Ida, Fyfa or Hamish could remember the promise, but the bairns had loved the fact they had not had to wait for their mother to prepare a meal. Instead they had one to fill their empty stomachs. Not that they were not always complaining of hunger.

Fyfa had to grudgingly admit that whoever had made the meal was skilled, but she could not bring herself to look in Janetta’s direction throughout the meal. Especially as she had somehow managed to find the seat next to Hamish. Leaving Fyfa opposite them. Ida had tried to make the meal bearable for her, but all Fyfa had wanted was the meal to be over. And as soon as she had finished as much as she could stomach, she had left the table, and moved to the pile of mending on the other side of the room.

She could not help the torturous glances in their direction, and the numerous pricks to her fingers as she paid more attention to Janetta, than to the task at hand. Watching as Janetta placed her hand upon Hamish’s arm as he tried to lift a piece of bread to his mouth, he was as far over as the table would allow, and still allow him to eat. A small sting had her jumping and bringing her attention back to the needle stuck in the pad of her index finger. It was a little deeper than all of the others, and her attention was definitely no longer upon the couple still at the table. Shaking her head, no, she could not think of them like that.

Before she knew what was happening, Ida was before her, taking hold of her injured hand. And Fyfa felt like a fool. Had she really made such a noise to bring Ida in from putting her bairns to bed? Blushing red, she could feel the embarrassment, and it only intensified as Hamish was beside her, kneeling with a concerned look as he tried to see around his Aunt. “Hamish, I am fine, please. Go and finish your meal.” She tried to push at his shoulder, only to find her mountain of a husband was in fact unmovable. His deep rumbling voice taking control immediately. “I had finished. Ida, what is the issue, will it affect the bairn? Will Fyfa be fine?” Fyfa could feel the heat radiating from her face at the attention.

Ida rolled her eyes at Hamish, causing Fyfa to let loose a small giggle, which meant they both received a scowl from her husband. Ida was the one who found the strength to speak without a single note of the amusement she felt. “Hamish, she has pricked her finger, although deeply. It will not affect the bairn. Do not be such a fool.” She waved a hand towards him. “Give me some light. Hamish, go and stand behind her if you really must hover.” The irritation in her voice made Fyfa smile all the wider. It was refreshing to see someone who could order Hamish about as if he were a bairn himself.

As Hamish moved, begrudgingly, to stand behind her, his fingers solidly gripping her shoulders. “There will be a little more blood than normal, and a sore finger will be your punishment for your ill attention. But nothing more than that.”

Fyfa was trying to push Ida’s hands away. “Really, tis nothing, only a mere scratch.” Only she had no sooner finished before Hamish had started. “Fyfa, the needle is near clear through your finger. That is hardly just a scratch.”

She sighed heavily, “Aye, Hamish, yet I will not leave this earth for the pearly gates above, just from a pricked finger.” She realised she had said the wrong thing the moment it left her lips. She and Ida shared a look, as if they both could feel the panic rolling through Hamish at that very moment.

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