Chapter 34

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AN - Hi, I have to say, I think this is one of my favourite chapters by far! Please enjoy! Thanks for reading! Az x

Chapter 34

The shivers racked her frame, the rain had only seemed to come down harder, in a relentless wall. Two days and night’s hard travel had led to soaked clothing. Cloaks that no longer kept out any of the chill, sticking to any bare skin, sending more chills through her. The hard pace had tired both her and horse to exhaustion at points. But Hamish did not seem to feel the cold, the rain and did not seem to even sleep. The man was a wonder.

And she was beginning to find herself incredibly annoyed at him.

He was still not telling her anything. Grunts and short orders were the only real conversation they had had. Her temper had been simmering for at least the last day. Bubbling beneath the surface. It was about to boil over. She had lost all sense of time, and with the storm, she could no longer tell day from night. So all she could promise herself was the next time they found shelter, she would try to dry off as much as possible. But from experience she knew it would not be by much, and an uncomfortable time would be had before heading back into the pouring rain.

Only this time she would add to her little list of chores to complete. And making sure Hamish had a piece of her mind was definitely one of them. She started composing her speech as a way to pass the time before she could unleash it upon the male who held her tightly against him as her legs gripped tightly to the saddle, feeling the power of the stallion’s muscles flow beneath her. The power was truly awe inspiring, and its surefootedness in this weather and the conditions they travelled through. All she could focus on, though, was how irritated she was at Hamish, and his apparent lack of care for the said irritation.

A tiny part of her, right at the back of her mind, weakly tried to point out that her pregnancy was probably a factor in just how bad she felt. And under normal circumstances…if this was ever a normal circumstance…she would react a little better, and maybe last a little longer before her anger boiled over. But the rest of her made sure that the logical part was silenced and cowed back into a little corner. Awaiting its chance to tell her ‘I did tell you not too.’ Thought at that moment, she was not thinking of consequences as she usually would. No she was concentrating on the fact she was cold, wet, shivering, hungry and her thighs and back burned and ached from the prolonged ride.

Hamish tightened his arm, bringing Fyfa closer to his chest. He could feel her tremble constantly from the cold. And he was desperately trying to see through the sheets of rain for anywhere he could give them shelter. He was worried about her, especially in the condition she was in. His mind trying to go over everything he remembered of Aislinn’s pregnancy, what Isla and Cam had allowed her to do. Horse riding had not been one of them. But she would have ridden alone, and it was the only way they could get them out of the situation they could have ended up in, if they had stayed at the Keep.

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