Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Hamish had not meant for his declaration to come out like that. In fact, he had not known the true extent of his feelings until they had fallen from his mouth in front of her. But for all he could have chastised himself at the time he was letting the words flow freely. He could never have predicted the reaction he would have had after those words became reality. Fyfa seemed to grow before him, glowing in the flickering firelight, as tears glistened, and to know she felt the same eased a part of him he did not know needed easing.

Now as he pulled her back snuggly against his chest, and the pounding rhythm of the horse beneath them, he could not think of anything he would rather be doing. Well, maybe he would change this slightly, he would make sure the rain was nowhere near her. It did not bother him, he had been on too many trade routes and raids not to have gained some tolerance for the wet droplets. Though the chill was starting to finally seep into his bones. He was extremely grateful that they were only an hour or so from their destination.

Even with the dry, well slightly damp, clothes he had presented three days ago now. It was impossible to stay dry in this weather. Icy water ran down his spine, as it found a way, first down the tiny gaps in his collar, and then through the material that was slicked to his skin as an almost permanent second and third layer. It would not be much of a problem for him, it was irritating, but he knew how close he was to his destination. No. His issue was the same conditions were affecting Fyfa, and what affected Fyfa affected their bairn as it grew within her.

Knowing how close they were, he nudged the sides of the stallion spurring it on a little further. And rather than complaint for his steed, instead it seemed to realise how close to journeys end they were. The horse shot forward in a burst of speed, causing Fyfa to fall further into him, and grip tightly to the forearm he held firmly around her waist. Her nails leaving tiny half-moon indentations on in his skin, and the tiny bite of pain was worth having her so close, before the rhythm of the horse separated them slightly once more.

A little longer than he expected, he pulled his stallion to the front of a small stable situated by a large cottage on the edge of the small sea side village. The horse was obviously exhausted from the travel, as he leaned forward, taking Fyfa with him to pat the stallion roughly on the neck. Seeing the door had been left cracked open. He realised that he had probably been watched for from the cottage, the shutters now shut, but the door to the stable was never left open. Walking the horse forward, he watched as the door was nosed open, and they were blessedly out of the rain for the first time in days. Having not been able to find a suitable place to sleep in the deluge, they had had to take cover under leaf coverage, at the base of the large trees in the forest they traversed. Yet, it was the best they could do. Here, however, they could be quite content, full stomachs, warm fires, and no rain unless they chose to step outside.

Making sure the horse was comfortably situated in the stall kept free for visitors. He glanced over as he gave the stallion one last rub down. Seeing Fyfa stood softly talking to the horse, in that voice women reserved for bairns and animals. It had always annoyed him before, but seeing her so relaxed and starting to warm slightly, made his heart squeeze, as he watched the horse nudge her hand to try and keep her petting him. Hamish shook his head. Even his horse was besotted, there definitely was no way out now. Not that he needed one.

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