Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Fyfa looked after Hamish as he left the room. A cloak of anger surrounding him, but as she tried to sit once more, a wave of nausea and dizziness took over once more, and she collapsed backwards to the bed once more. Aislinn made her way slowly to her side, and sitting heavily on the side, a large sigh coming from Aislinn as she turned towards her. Reaching out and gripping her hand, Fyfa felt tears prick her eyes, for the first time she realised, she had more than Hamish looking out for her. This woman had been there for her practically from the start. Standing up to the laird’s sister as she been at her most vulnerable.

She had been in awe of this woman. The strength and bravery that exuded from her, it made it hard for Fyfa to see the truly caring nature beneath. The woman was so far above her, her status had not always been that of the Laird’s wife, but she had always held herself and behaved as such. Fyfa was the lowest of the low, and after the initial work of Aislinn to try and bring her out of the walls she had created, Fyfa had managed to detach herself from the group Aislinn had needed to help her learn of the clan. It needed to be someone strong and of a position to inform and instruct. Fyfa was nowhere near the level to be anywhere near Aislinn, let alone advising her in any way.

Yet, as she looked up at the kind eyes, and empathic expression. She saw no pity, only concern for her, and she knew that she may have misjudged the situation, and had detached herself from the very people who could have helped her. But hindsight was always a wonderful thing, was it not? The tears leaked free, all the stress and the unknown tumbled down upon her and she found herself crumbling before the two women in the room. But instead of disgust at her behaviour, both held a hand, and murmured in soothing tones, allowing her all the time she needed to gain control of herself once more.

Twisting her hands free of the comfort the women had provided in her moment of weakness, she quickly wiped her face, trying to rid herself of all the evidence of her momentary feebleness. Clearing her throat, she tried once more to sit upright, and this time was helped along by hands on either side of her. Her voice cracked and raw as she forced out words to the women present. “Thank you…” She could not look them in the eye. “I am sorry, this is not what you need to deal with at the moment.” Her eyes focusing on the stone wall opposite the bed. “I do not want to cause the clan any issues. Especially ones that could lead to bloodshed.” As she took a deep breath to continue. Isla reached out and grip her shoulder with punishing tightness. Her gaze forced over to the old woman, her face seemingly frozen in a scowl that would set the men in the main hall below trembling.

“I do not want to hear you saying such things again.” She was shook a little, as Isla’s harsh words sank into her mind. “You are part of this clan, and I have not seen Hamish this way since before his mother and father passed. So you will not leave him, forget the clan, that man is the father of your bairn and the one who had re-joined the clan more fully than in longer than most can remember.” She was shook once more before Isla released her, and then had to watch as Isla moved off the bed and over to the tray that was set up on a little table not too far away.

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