Chapter 45

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Chapter 45




Soaked with the salt spray and high waves, his clothes were heavy, his movements stiff. His bones chilled and frozen. The small amount of sustenance’s that Fyfa had brought earlier had allowed a little warmth into them. But what was worse was the piercing rain that fell now from above. Almost icicles as it hit them, solid and stinging. Shaking the latest spray from his face, and blinking his eyes, he turned his back on the turbulent sea, to try and clear his mind a moment.




He shook his head again as he saw the figure heading towards him from the distance. Shock poured through him as if he had seen spirit. The figure appeared closer, finally managing to be heard over the roaring waves and thunderous clouds above. “Hamish, I only just heard, I was in the forest trying to catch some rabbits. Who is missing? What can I do?” It took Hamish a minute to remember how to speak. The spray hitting his back from a ferocious wave had him stepping forward slightly. Off balance.




“Jamie…it’s you.”




Jamie just looked perplexed the young male only a year or so younger than him, but already had a young family to provide for. “Yes, Hamish, I am Jamie. Who is missing and what can I do to help?” It was the expression that spoke of Jamie’s question towards Hamish’s sanity. He shook his head once more, hoping that his mind had not become waterlogged.




He reached out, grabbing the male by the upper arms and shaking him a little. Proving once and for all that he was in fact real, and before them. Then what in God’s name was going on here? “No, Jamie, you miss understand. The one we are looking for…it’s you.”




This time it was Jamie who looked as if he had been through a shock. “Me. Hamish who told you this?” The perplexed look upon his face, showed his confusion as he looked around at those nearest to them, who had paused in the efforts of trying to spot anything out at sea. All having turned, carrying the murmur to those nearest them, all ending by facing in their direction unsure as to what was going on. All cold, numb and getting a little irritable. Hamish knew that the relief that Jamie was fine and hale could in fact turn violent as the males who had been here for hours had, it seemed, been there freezing for naught. Yes, is Jamie had been truly missing it would be an effort well made. But the relief could turn easily in these conditions.




Turning and waving to those further away, calling to those closest to him. “Head back up. It seems we are searching for naught. Head back.” His voice strained at the end. Trying to think through what could have happened for this situation to come about. Quickly grabbing at Jamie’s slim arm, pushing him ahead as they headed back to the path before them. The rain painful against the bare skin, and making it difficult to keep a hold of Jamie as the rain made both Hamish’s hand and Jamie’s arm slick with a sheen of water.

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