Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Fyfa could not believe it. She had thought she had heard voices as she had still sat staring at the contents of the bundle. But had thought she was imagining things, or perhaps it was Hamish, because no one else came out this way anymore. When she heard nothing else, she had realised the cloth the bundle was tied in was actually a good quality winter cloak. And she knew the man had managed to dupe her once again. For he would never take it back now it was in her possession.

No what she could not believe was when the voices came back. And her front door was once more knocked out of place to reveal Hamish, and the twins. She could not believe he would ask them here to disgrace her. The only thing she could think was that they had offered to help their friend with the rather large pile of…whatever it was she could see in the snow. They could not possibly be wanting to help out here, at the edge of the village. On a cottage that had occupants who could not pay them in any way. Why else would it have gotten into this position in the first place?

Standing, and moving painfully before the table. Looking out through the now empty hole in her wall. She saw the three were not staring directly at her. Shuffling uncomfortably, she did not like the attention she was receiving from the three sets of eyes. Even that small a number was more than she had been used to for a long time now.

Hamish seemed to catch himself, realising that he was staring. Clearing his throat, he turned quickly, nearly knocking the twins down with the door in the process. “There’s some issues with the roof, if you want to make yourselves useful, get up there.” The twins shared a look took up some tools from the pile, thrusting them between their kilts and their belts to hold them in place. In moments they were scrambling up the side of the cottage.

Still holding the door, as he watched the twins depart, he felt a small tentative hand on his back. “Hamish, why are they here? Do you wish to embarrass me so?” He turned sharply back, only for her to jump out of the way of the door this time. An expression of pain clouding her features for a moment. His protectiveness overtaking him, he dropped the door and took hold of her elbow. Directing her firmly, but slowly back to her stool. “I would never do such a thing Fyfa, you know that. It had taken me this long to find a way to help you. You really think I would bring in the least subtle of all the clan in. Well, if I had a choice.”

She saw the truth he had not spoken. “They are your friends. They want to help you, even if that means helping someone they would not normally see in the process.” She gave him a rueful glance. “And I know you would not have involved them if there was no other choice. I apologise. This day has taken a lot out of me. I am afraid I am a little out of sorts.” She had started by wanting to lull him into a sense of security so she could get him out of her house. Only when she apologised she found she meant it.

She had not expected him to truly come back after leaving the food behind. Yet here he was before her, and with reinforcements. She had a feeling that even though she had promised herself. This warrior was going to get the better of her. Only at this moment she did not know whether that would be for better or for worse in the long run.

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