Chapter 50

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AN - Message for my mother! See i uploaded it before midnight!

Chapter 50

Stealth was critical at that moment. Hamish was glad to have those he knew and trained with since he was a young boy, around him at this moment. They knew each other’s movements, each other’s signals, and where well versed in the plans that they used often to complete the tasks at hand. Hamish took the point, this was his battle he would let no other be the first into possible danger.

Artair to his left and Aonghus to his right, the crept forward. Five of their men spanning out around them. Kendrick had volunteered to take command of the camp while they went on this mission. And they would not come back empty handed, of that he swore to the Lord Almighty. Fyfa would be back in his arms by the next sunrise or the wrath of God himself would not stop him from storming Grant’s decrepit Keep and slaying all within that came in his way.

His feet landing in the perfect positions, upon the ground that could so easily give away their position, he paused just beyond the thicket that he was sure held the one they hunted. His inner sense was tingling, telling him that he was correct, and he was learning that he had to trust that instinct now more than ever. What it could not tell him was how dangerous it would be to take them down.

With a few hand signals as the men took their places, making sure that whichever route was taken by the one they had trapped would be covered by at least one of them. There was no escape. He trusted these males with his life, more importantly, he trusted them with Fyfa’s life and that of his unborn bairn. This was a vital part of their plan he had not known he was missing, of that he was sure. His gut was telling him so. With the final signal from Aonghus that the men were ready for him to make the first move, he steadied himself. There was no point in going in unprepared, otherwise it may not matter what Grant wanted, because he would have Hamish’s body as a prize without lifting a finger to gain it.

A deep breath made himself centre his thoughts and clear his head of anything other than the matter at hand. Nodding his head at the twins, he moved. His large size was something most people saw and made presumptions on. They assumed he could not move silently, and expected to see and hear him coming, putting them at ease, even as he came up behind them.

Having the twins hold their positions, he moved. Through the thicket he caught a glimpse of the one he hunted on the other side, in a tiny clearing. Huddled at the base of a tree. He felt the surprise at the size of him. He could barely be out of his sixteenth winter, and was undernourished and in need of some muscle for that age. He almost snorted, just managing to keep the sound within, only a shake of the head showed his disapproval. Trust Grant to use those he could terrify into submission to complete a mission that could lead to most probable death. Especially if Grant had been the one to set the camp up.

One of his men caused the distraction on the other side of the thicket, causing the boys head to snap in that direction, crouching as if to fend off an attack. Not even thinking to cover his back, Hamish did not allow for his disgust at the lack of training this boy had obviously received, and pounced from his hiding spot. Taking the boy completely by surprise. A sharp cry and grunt of pain sounded as Hamish brought his considerable weight down upon the slim figure. Slamming them both to the ground, he made sure that the boy was firmly beneath him, and he made sure that all weapons were removed from his persons in a matter of minutes. Sending the whistled signal for the others to show themselves, he surrendered his hold upon the boy to Aonghus as he went to check with Artair whether there had been any other tracks found but for this boy’s.

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