Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Hamish came awake, slowly.

Blinking lazily.

Trying to figure out what was different.

He was a lot more comfortable than he usually was upon waking. Realising slowly that he was in the bed his parents had used, rather than on his pallet in the other room. Turning onto his back, staring at the ceiling above, he managed to finally comprehend the true reason he had awoken. A soft shuffling could be heard. A few soft bangs. And a realisation that Fyfa was no longer beside him.

He bolted upright. The blankets pooling around his waist. The fire that had died through the night was now roaring once more. The room which should have had a bite of winter too it was comfortable, even when he had nothing covering his upper body. Taking a deep breath he let his gaze wonder the room. Not finding anything out of place, or any sign of Fyfa.

A small clatter sounded once more.

His head snapped in the direction of the other room. He could see nothing from where he sat. But in moments he was out of the tangled sheets and heading, completely naked, into the other room. He needed to make sure it was Fyfa and an intruder had not entered. He was hoping it was Fyfa and she had not left him in the middle of the night.

He would have said once, with confidence, that he was a light sleeper who would wake at any sound. But at that moment he realised she had managed to slip out of his embrace, light the fire, and from the looks of it, fully dress and start a hearty meal to break their fast. Before he finally managed to come around.

He had to wonder, was it due to consumption of alcohol with the added activity of the night before? Or was she truly so light of foot? What he really needed to know, was why she was up before dawn after such a late night. Even taking away the…activities they were involved in the night before.

He paused at the threshold. Not quite managing to make his mind catch up with the reality of what he was actually seeing before him. Fyfa moved swiftly, especially considering the injuries he knew she held. Her movements light and precise, keeping the noises to a minimum, only the barest sound happening when two items bumped together. The fire crackling behind her as she put some ingredients into a large cooking pot. A pot he did not think had been used since his mother’s death.

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