Chapter 33: thanksgiving

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Baileys P.O.V

I woke up around 5:30am and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel from the cabinet and started the shower. After the shower i realized that I forgot to bring clothes into the bathroom with me and mentally slapped myself. I wrapped the towel around me and grabbed the clothes that I had on before the shower and sprinted out of the bathroom towards Colby's room, and of course with my luck Colby's door was now locked "COLBY OPEN THIS GOD DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I heard him chuckle before opening it and his eyes went wide "your just wearing a towel" he said in utter shock "thanks captain obvious" I threw the old dirty clothes at him and pushed my way past him, heading towards my bag. I got out my 'im not arguing I'm just explaining why I'm right' cropped T-shirt but eventually decided against it seeing as its thanks giving and I should probably wear something fancier.

I got dressed in a black dress that was short in the front but long In the back and curled my hair. I did my makeup and looked in the mirror giving myself a nod of approval. "I don't think I've ever seen someone take this long to get ready" Colby sarcastically remarked as he walked through his bedroom door. I walked past him and shoved him with my shoulder. I walked downstairs and looked at the clock it was about 8:30am and his whole family was downstairs, gage and Colby's father were in their pajamas still but mrs.brock was fully dressed with her makeup done. "Good morning family" Colby came down the stairs and was wearing a black nirvana sweatshirt and black jeans. "Of course what else would you be wearing" I whispered mostly to myself before walking towards the kitchen "good morning, you look beautiful" I greeted mrs. brock with a smile, "aww well that's very sweet honey I love your dress" "thank you it only took me 3 hours to get ready" "I've been up since 4 am so I can't say much" she began to laugh which made me laugh in return. The boys just looked at us like we were insane but it's ok they would never understand the struggle. Colby walked back upstairs and me and mrs. brock just made small talk while we finished making breakfast together.

After making breakfast I headed upstairs not eating it. I opened Colby's door to see him shirtless taking a thumbnail and I just stood there staring like the creep I am. I cleared my throat when I saw him putting his shirt back on "oh hey bailey" I smiled and walked towards him "hey, why are you shirtless?" He kinda chuckled to himself "the views increase when I do that" I nodded my head understanding what he meant. Most of his fan base was girls that wanted to be with him, girls prettier, skinnier and better than me. I shook off the thoughts in my head "oh yea, well, breakfast is done so don't be a stranger" " ok, I'm gonna finish this video then I'll be down, you can stay if you want" he turned back around but I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me anymore and sat down on the bed. He pressed record on his camera and started his video with him putting his shirt back on "well, now that I've got the thumbnail done" he finished putting on his shirt and got his phone and pulled up Twitter "first question let's see 'can we meet your dogs' sure let's go get them" he grabbed his camera and headed downstairs, when he came back up he had both dogs and had treats in his hand "this is the only way they will come with me" he was mostly talking to the camera but I giggled but pulled my hand over my mouth quickly since they weren't supposed to know that I was here because they would think that we were together which that would be correct but we weren't supposed to tell them yet. "This is koki and this is foxy" he finished going through most of the questions "ok and last question, let's scroll down a bit and find a new one 'are you and bailey just friends or are you more? either way I support you, love you Colby!' Bailey and I are very close,yes, but our personal business isn't going to be public quite yet, take from that what you must but yea I love you too umm firefly264478!" "Ok everybody, that was this weeks video, I hope that you enjoyed it. But yea have a great week love you bye!"  He put one hand over the lense and the other pressed the record button again to stop recording. It was about 12:30 now and mrs. brock was preparing dinner so I figure I should probably go help her. "I'm gonna go help your mom make dinner ok?" I was already standing up and was about to exit the room "whyyyyyyyyyyyyy" this was something Colby did when he was tired, he would whine and whine and whine "go to sleep, your acting like your three" he pouted, sticking out his bottom lip "I'm not thwee I'm dis many" he stuck up 4 fingers and replaced the r in three with a w. I laughed and walked away shutting the door behind me "TAKE A NAP!" I shouted while I walked down the stairs through my laughs. "I'm not even gonna ask" mrs. brock said laughing as well as she cut the carrots and put them into a bowl. After I calmed down I asked "is there anything I could help with?" She pointed to the celery that was across the kitchen. "Would you mind cutting those into semi thick slices and then putting them into this bowl as well" I nodded and walked across the kitchen, I grabbed a knife from the drawer next to me and grabbed the 3 pieces of celery that sit on a cutting board by the fridge. I sliced them into 1/4 inch slices and placed them into the bowl next to me before I heard my name being called from upstairs. I tried to ignore it but it kept getting louder "baileyyyyyy come herrrreeeeee pleaseeeeee BAILEYYYYYYY" "you better get that" mrs. brock said through a laugh and I sighed as I made my way upstairs. I opened his door to see him sitting on top of the covers with his arms crossed pouting. I immediately shut the door and walked away, if he was going to act like a baby I was going to treat him like one. I walked down the stairs "your sons acting like a 4 year old, I think you should handle it or else I might have to slap him" mrs. Brock began to laugh before wiping her hands on her apron and heading upstairs. I'm not sure what happened but Colby sulked as he came down the stairs "I'm sorry bailey, I was immature, do you accept my apology" I fell to the ground in laughter "why did you send my mom up there?"  I slowly stood up brushing off my knees for exaggeration "you were acting like a little kid so I treated you like one" he rolled his eyes and walked over to me "Jasmyn was calling you" I gasped and he held my phone in the air "Colby this isn't funny give me my phone" as I finished my sentence he took off out the front door, he ran down the street me chasing him the whole way "guys look it's Colby" as soon as I heard that I saw Colby turn around and run towards me causing me to scream and run the other way.  "Is he with bailey?" One of the girls asked "Colby please stop running, it's been my dream to meet you. We won't tell anyone that you were with bailey I promise" one of the other girls said. I slowed to a stop but apparently Colby didn't get the memo and he slammed right into me causing both of us to fall. I got up and headed towards the girls "hi girls I'm bailey as you guys obviously know" they all smiled widely "hi bailey!!! I'm raven!" One of the girls said before hugging me tightly, she had black hair with a tint of purple in it, it was beautiful "hi raven! I love your hair, your very pretty" I could see her start to blush at my words "thank you" "baileyyyyyy! I'm Christina and I love you so much your so beautiful" I looked behind me wondering why they weren't talking to Colby but there was no reason Colby was standing right behind me "hi Christina your very pretty and I love you too! It's crazy having people recognizing me!" Right now I felt genuinely happy and honored, it was an absolutely crazy feeling having someone recognize me. "Colby say something" I whispered to him nudging him "hi guys, what's up" Colby said semi awkwardly, raven screamed and ran past me hugging Colby tightly "Colby your so amazing and such an inspiration to me, you and bailey mean everything to me! And personally I ship it. Please let my ship sail!" I laughed at her ending and so did he "ok then between us" he pointed around at all of us the put his hand to one side of his mouth "your ship has sailed" both of them squealed and hugged us "thank you thank you thank you we won't tell anyone we promise!" I held out my pinkie and raven took it in her own. "Girls, tell Colby to give me my phone" they both crossed their arms and looked at Colby, ravens mean face was actually quit scary "give. Her. Phone. Back. NOW!" Raven said stepping closer to Colby and ripping it out of his hands, she turned back to me and smiled "here" I laughed and took it from her "bailey I know this might be weird but is there any way we can have your number, we won't leak it we just really want to talk to you more!" "How old are you?" I asked both of them "15" I was surprised by their answers "sorry guys. For now I can't. But maybe when we get loser? How about I follow you guys on Instagram and we can talk on there?" They nodded their heads excitedly. we said goodbye and Colby immediately took my phone back from me when I least expected it, we headed back to his house. "I haven't had breakfast yet, are you hungry" colby asked me as we entered the house "no" I simply answered. He looked at me suspiciously "you haven't eaten since like 2 days ago you need to eat now. Like right now" I sighed "I'm fine, I'm saving my appetite for dinner." "Hey you guys, turkeys in the oven, I just put it in there so it will be quit a bit longer, we are all watching movies in the living room if you want to join us." Mrs. Brock interrupted the awkward silence that was surrounding Colby and I. "I need to call a friend but I'll be down in a second, Colby my phone please" Colby reluctantly handed me my phone "I'll go with you-" "no I've got it you stay down here with your family." I interrupted Colby because I knew he wanted to talk about my eating habits. Mrs. Brock wrapped her arm around Colby's shoulder as I walked away and headed for the stairs. I walked upstairs into Colby's room and shut the door. I called Elton's phone because I didn't know if Jasmyn's was fixed yet "bailey?" Jasmyn's voice rang through the phone, she sounded exhausted "Yea it's me are you ok?" "Not really. Your parents are here and they are refusing to leave. I'm in the bathroom right now but don't come home ok, Amanda's here too" I understand why she's exhausted I mean Amanda and my parents in the house must be absolutely horrific. "Ok good luck and happy thanks giving" "Yea you too bye" "bye" I hung up and headed back down stairs, it was about 2pm maybe 2:30pm. "Sorry, a few issues there, anyway what are we watching?" I walked into the living room and they were all sitting on the couch "50 first dates, Adam Sandler" Gage was sucked into the tv and didn't look away when he talked to me. I nodded and sat next to Colby on the couch.

Time skip to 2-3 movies

"Wow, I thought Jurassic park went hard, Jurassic world! Wow just wow" gage ranted about every movie. Every. Single. One. But no I'm not salty not at all, he would talk about the ending of every movie for a solid 30 minutes before his mother would press play on a new movie that he would be sucked into. "Turkeys done, finally" mrs. brock yelled from the kitchen. We all got up and headed to the kitchen interrupting gages on-going rant about how he would never expected that ending. The boys sat at the table and I set the table with plates and silverware. "Everyone help yourself, we've got biscuits and everything" mrs. brock said finally sitting down. I sat with Colby to my right and mrs. brock to my left. Everyone began to dig in and I took a little mashed potatoes and a little turkey onto my plate. I played with my food a little bit while they made dinner conversation.

During dinner I had only eaten a few bites, we had sat there for a solid hour but it was finally over. Don't get me wrong they are a very enjoyable family, but Colby kept harassing me to eat and I did eat. Only a few bites, but I still ate them. We all said our goodnights and headed to our rooms. When I got into Colby's room I put my hair into a messy bun and wiped the make-up off of my face with a make-up wipe before undressing and putting on leggings and a crop top. "Bailey, your driving me crazy" Colby entered the room with his hand in his hair, I looked at him confused "you need to eat" I looked at my feet then reached toward my bag and grabbed socks. I sat back down on the floor and put my socks on "I do eat" i whispered under my breath. "Not enough-" I interrupted him "I eat more than I'm comfortable with! Listen I'm getting better but it takes time and I can't get better if you keep harassing me! I'm trying ok I'm trying" he walked over to me and put his hand in his hair again "I get your trying but you'll die if you don't eat enough food, it's not healthy." "I don't care" I whispered under my breathe, I was done with this conversation "I do! Bailey I'm worried about you" I rolled my eyes "I'm not! And you shouldn't be either, just leave it alone. I'm done discussing this with you" I got up from the ground and he grabbed my wrist "Colby let go" I ripped away from him and ran down the stairs "so what now? Your just going to run away, you can't run away from all of your problems" I turned around at the bottom of the stair case "I'm not running away from my problems, I'm done with this conversation I'm sleeping on the couch" I walked towards the living room "so that's it, your just going to sleep on the couch" "yes captain obvious I just said that" I walked away and heard him slam his door. I sighed and sat on the couch with my knees too me chest "sweetie, here are some blankets" mrs. Brock was standing by the couch. I thanked her and she walked away. This was going to be a long night.

Colby BrockTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon