chapter 20: watch your back

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Elton s P.O.V

I quickly swerved out of the way of the car. Jasmyn reached for my hand while she screamed. When I swerved out of the way of the car that was heading for Jasmyn my car had gone into the ditch that lays at the side of the road. When I got out of the car I realized that the front left tire had been impaled by a rusty nail. "We're gonna have to have someone pick us up, this tires not gonna take us anywhere" I said leaning back into the car. Jasmyn looked at me with a smile "it could have been worse" Jasmyn is mostly a glass half full type of person. I laughed and got back into the car and dialed Colbys number.

Colby- hey bro what's up

Me- we have a flat tire on Melrose would you mind coming to get us?

Colby- sorry I'm with brennen right now. Do you think anyone also could, if not I'll be there soon

Me- don't worry about it we'll figure it out have fun bye

Colby- thanks bro good luck bye

"So Colbys at brennens house he can't get us" I said looking over at Jasmyn. She already had the phone to her face and was listening to someone speak on the other line "alright see you in 10 bye" she ended the call and looked at me with a smile. "Bailey's coming to get us" I laughed and we waited for Bailey to come get us.

Baileys P.O.V

"alright see you in 10 bye" jasmyn said and then she ended the call. i got out of bed and put on my high waisted black jeans that rips all up the front of them and my black on black take chances hoodie. i headed out of colbys room and down the stairs. i got my keys from the hanger by the front door and headed to my black 2013 Nissan altima. i got in the drivers seat and headed out. i drove down the road towards melrose street when my phone rang.

me- "hey baby whats up?"

colby- "im bored and brennens being kind of a dick. i want to hang out so im on my way home"

me- "okay im on my way to pick up jasmyn and elton and ill be home in 30"

colby- "okay love you bye"

me- "love you 2 bye"

~time skip~

jasmyn got in the front seat forcing elton to sit in the back. she connected her phone to Bluetooth and started playing billie elish "bellyache" which was her favorite song at the moment and we sung along to the song. we listened to billie elish the whole way home. when we got home we got out of the car and i locked it and headed inside. i immediately made my way upstairs and layed on the floor. for some reason i always loved to lay on the floor even hardwood. colby walked out of the bathroom and into his bedroom. i was laying on my stomach and my back was facing up. he came and sat next to me on the floor "whatcha doin" he asked me in a playful voice. "im laying on the floor" i shot back in a duh tone. he started to play with the dip i had in my back that went all the way up my back. "why, theres a bed right there" he said pointing to the bed that he was leaning against. "because its comfy and i like the floor" he looked at me confused but kept playing with the dip i had in my back till i fell asleep.

i woke up to strong arms picking me up bridal style and a gental kiss being placed on my forehead. i slowly opened my eyes and stared at the beautiful face of the man i loved. he gently placed me on the bad and curled up next to me on the bed. he tightly placed his arms around my waist and i fell back to sleep.

i woke up to blinding rays of sun peeking through the curtains that colby had up. the smell of his cologne filled the air, the sounds of his light snores filled my ears and soothed my nerves. i slowly moved out of his bed and made my way downstairs. jasmyn was eating cucumbers and hot sauce and i had figured out that it was something she ate whenever there was cucumbers, I don't understand it but it's just a weird thing she does. I put hot sauce on my grilled cheese and no one else does that so whatever. "Hey you wanna go to the gym with me" I asked her. "Yeah let me finish these and I'll change meet back in the kitchen in 30?" "Yeah I need to change and stuff alright cool" I walked upstairs and went into Colbys room. I opened the 2nd drawer from the top of my dresser and pulled out my black "pink" leggings and put them on. I was already wearing socks so I got my Adidas from the closet and sat on the bed to put them on. "Bailey what are you doing" Colby asked as he sat up and rubbed his eyes tirely. "Jasmyn and I are going to the gym we'll be back in an hour or 2 k" I finished tying my shoes and he went back to sleep. I headed to the bathroom and brushed my hair into a high ponytail. "Hey, you ready" Jasmyn said while lightly knocking on the already open door. "Yeah let's go" we headed down the stairs and decided to walk to the gym seeing as it's not to far away. We chatted about life when Jasmyn got a text message from a unsaved number. "This is weird" she said to me while she read the messages "he still loves me, watch your back" I looked at her and we stopped as she read the messages aloud. "What does it mean watch your back?" I said in confusion

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